[Translation by Google Translate (with modifications):
Castle of the Archbishop
The presence of a home is attested in the twelfth century. In the thirteenth century, added were a courtline with corner towers and the amenities of home with arches and battlements in front of a fortress. Its residential function asserts the fourteenth and fifteenth mural painting its vast ceremonial hall, splendid painted ceiling where ...
Texts tell of a palace. The very rich and powerful archbishop of Narbonne, lord or the manor, making frequent trips with his baggage, to chests, its archives, its seal, and his court ..
The building suffered difficulties during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Abandoned by his owner, it no longer had a stately and agricultural function. Transformations of the nineteenth were made at the expense of many medieval remains (the destruction of towers and part of building).]
(Churches, Etc. • Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.