California, Kern County, Arvin
Dedicated to the Memory of
All the Patriotic Men and Women
Who Answered Their Country's Call to Service
George W. Bush
President of the United States
James B. Peake
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
William F. Tuerk
Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs
National Cemetery Administration
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Military) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

All the Patriotic Men and Women
Who Answered Their Country's Call to Service
George W. Bush
President of the United States
James B. Peake
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
William F. Tuerk
Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs
National Cemetery Administration
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Military) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.