California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles
Presented to
The Citizens of Los Angeles County
In December 1916 by
Captain Allan Hancock
With a request that the scientific features be preserved
First historic reference to the tar pools
Recorded in the diary of Caspar dePortola'
In August 3, 1769
Originally a portion of the Rancho LaBrea
Granted by Governor Alvarado 1840
(Natural Features • Natural Resources • Notable Events • Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 12 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Citizens of Los Angeles County
In December 1916 by
Captain Allan Hancock
With a request that the scientific features be preserved
First historic reference to the tar pools
Recorded in the diary of Caspar dePortola'
In August 3, 1769
Originally a portion of the Rancho LaBrea
Granted by Governor Alvarado 1840
(Natural Features • Natural Resources • Notable Events • Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 12 photos, GPS coordinates, map.