Kentucky, Boyd County, Ashland
Settled by 1799 by members of the Poage family of Virginia. Known as Poage's Landing until named in 1854 for Henry Clay's Lexington estate, by the owners, Ky. Iron, Coal and Manufacturing Company. It engaged M. T. Hilton to lay out a town, then auctioned lots. City incorporated by act of Ky. Legislature, Feb. 23, 1856.
Presented by the City of Ashland
(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Settled by 1799 by members of the Poage family of Virginia. Known as Poage's Landing until named in 1854 for Henry Clay's Lexington estate, by the owners, Ky. Iron, Coal and Manufacturing Company. It engaged M. T. Hilton to lay out a town, then auctioned lots. City incorporated by act of Ky. Legislature, Feb. 23, 1856.
Presented by the City of Ashland
(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.