New York, Orange County, West Point
Fort Arnold was renamed Fort Clinton following Benedict Arnold’s treason. It was the main fortification at West Point. Situated at the tip of the Plain overlooking the Hudson River, Fort Arnold, containing 12 cannon, 11 mortars and supported by four riverline batteries, dominated the sharp bend in the Hudson River and protected the Great Chain. Over 620 soldiers, excluding artillerymen, were needed to man the fort.
(Forts, Castles • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Fort Arnold was renamed Fort Clinton following Benedict Arnold’s treason. It was the main fortification at West Point. Situated at the tip of the Plain overlooking the Hudson River, Fort Arnold, containing 12 cannon, 11 mortars and supported by four riverline batteries, dominated the sharp bend in the Hudson River and protected the Great Chain. Over 620 soldiers, excluding artillerymen, were needed to man the fort.
(Forts, Castles • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.