Nebraska, Douglas County, Omaha
Founder of Boys Town
Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.
"The work will continue, you see,
whether I am there or not,
because it is God's work, not mine."
Msgr. Edward J. Flanagan
Mol an oige
agus tiocfaidh si
Ni neart go cur le cheile
Unveiled by Fr. Val Peter
Executive Director
5th October 2002
Sculptor - Fred Hoppe
Nebraska U.S.A.
(Charity & Public Work • Churches, Etc. • Education) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Founder of Boys Town
Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.
"The work will continue, you see,
whether I am there or not,
because it is God's work, not mine."
Msgr. Edward J. Flanagan
Mol an oige
agus tiocfaidh si
Ni neart go cur le cheile
Unveiled by Fr. Val Peter
Executive Director
5th October 2002
Sculptor - Fred Hoppe
Nebraska U.S.A.
(Charity & Public Work • Churches, Etc. • Education) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.