Maine, York County, Saco
Dedicated to the Glory of God,
the Exaltation of Patriotism,
and the Promotion of Education,
in honor of those from Saco
who served in the World War
[Died in Service]
Amede Dupre • Alfred Durette • James Gillespie • Alexander MacMillan • Richard C. Owen • Warren Percival • Roland C. Smith • Charles S. Stover • James Turner
[Honor Roll of Veterans]
[not transcribed]
(Patriots & Patriotism • War, World I) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Dedicated to the Glory of God,
the Exaltation of Patriotism,
and the Promotion of Education,
in honor of those from Saco
who served in the World War
[Died in Service]
Amede Dupre • Alfred Durette • James Gillespie • Alexander MacMillan • Richard C. Owen • Warren Percival • Roland C. Smith • Charles S. Stover • James Turner
[Honor Roll of Veterans]
[not transcribed]
(Patriots & Patriotism • War, World I) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.