California, Alameda County, San Leandro
On August 21, 1909, the cornerstone (containing the lists of the Grand Officers and past Masters of Eden Lodge, documents relating to the new temple, copies of local newspapers, old coins and a Bible that had been carried by John Hamilton through three years of the Civil War) was laid by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, William Frank Pierce, who was assisted by a staff of Grand Officers.
The three story building, built of pressed brick with marble fronts for stores, was completed April 15, 1910. The first stores leased were for the San Leandro Post Office and Lynch’s Pharmacy. The County Court House was located here as well as a stage stop later on.
The temple is the home of Fruitvale Lodge No. 113, formerly called Eden Lodge No. 113, established in 1857, it is one of the oldest lodges of the Masonic Order in Alameda County. The Masonic Hall has been the meeting place of many other fraternal organizations over the years, including Estudillo Parlor No. 223, N.S.G.W., which first met here in 1903
(Fraternal or Sororal Organizations) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The three story building, built of pressed brick with marble fronts for stores, was completed April 15, 1910. The first stores leased were for the San Leandro Post Office and Lynch’s Pharmacy. The County Court House was located here as well as a stage stop later on.
The temple is the home of Fruitvale Lodge No. 113, formerly called Eden Lodge No. 113, established in 1857, it is one of the oldest lodges of the Masonic Order in Alameda County. The Masonic Hall has been the meeting place of many other fraternal organizations over the years, including Estudillo Parlor No. 223, N.S.G.W., which first met here in 1903
(Fraternal or Sororal Organizations) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.