Alabama, Montgomery County, Lapine
Atop this hill lies Fair Prospect Cemetery, established in the 1840s as part of Fair Prospect Church. Land was donated for the church and cemetery by Benjamin Mitchell (1765-1848) and his wife Jane Scrimpton Mitchell (1775-1850). The location of their graves is unknown. The earliest marked burials date to 1851 and the cemetery is still active today. Justus M. Barnes, founder of Strata Academy, was a leader in the congregation and his parents are buried here. In the 1870s, the church burned after lightning struck it and the congregation began meeting at Strata Academy. When the Academy moved and became Highland Home College, the church retained the campus building on the site of Strata Church of Christ. A.S. Naftel, founder of the Naftel Community, acquired much of the Mitchell lands after 1850 and members of his family are buried here.
Listed in the Alabama Historic Cemetery Register
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.