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Adams County Peace Monument - Honor Rolls

Indiana, Adams County, Decatur

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[ Left - Small Plaque ]

Thomas Archibold
Pvt - Capt Bell’s Co
Revolutionary War
1755 - ✝ - 1837

[ Small Plaque ]

James Ball
Sgt - Col Bakers MD Regt
Revolutionary War
1751 - ✝ - 1834

[ Right - Small Plaque ]

George Emery
Capt - Col Smallwoods Regt
Revolutionary War
Oct 2, 1752 - ✝ - July 3, 1841

[ Small Plaque ]

William Shepherd
Adam’s Co
War of 1812
Aug 18, 1788 - ✝ - Jun 17, 1862

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[ Row One ]

1861 – 1865

Levi Auker ∙ T. F. Adelsperger ∙ Jacob Arr ∙ Samuel Allen ∙ Samuel M. Allen ∙ Nathan L. Allen ∙ Emanuel Alguire ∙ Zachariah Allerton ∙ Ezekiel Ames ∙ Rufus Ames ∙ Martin Ames ∙ Noah Amspaugh ∙ Robert N. Andrews ∙ Thomas W. Andrews ∙ Dennison Andrews ∙ Perry Andrews ∙ Godfrey Apple ∙ Aaron Archer ∙ Zachariah Archer ∙ Frank Arnold ∙ James M. Archibold ∙ William Armstrong ∙ John Aspy ∙ Benjamin Aspy ∙ William C. Aspy ∙ John Ashbaugher ∙ John C. Ault ∙ Thomas F. Auten ∙ Oliver P. Auten ∙ Henry Augburn ∙ Peter Aumiller ∙ Daniel Avery ∙ John Avery ∙ Lorenzo D. Avery ∙ Hugh Bay ∙ Samuel Ball ∙ Jeremiah Ball ∙ Frederick Ball ∙ John R. Bash ∙ Peter Baze ∙ William Bair ∙ Owen Baker ∙ John Baker ∙ Christian Baker ∙ Adam Baker ∙ Marion Baker ∙ Jacob Baker ∙ Charles Baker ∙ David Baker ∙ Elias Baker ∙ Henry Bates ∙ Henry Banta ∙ Samuel H. Barto ∙ Mahlon Bailey ∙ George Bailey ∙ Reuben Baxter ∙ Isaac Baxter ∙ Charles Barber ∙ Nicholas Barger ∙ Andrew Barkley ∙ Simon Barkley ∙ John Barkley ∙ Elias Barkley ∙ Abraham Barkley ∙ Henry A. Babcock ∙ Ethan Babcock ∙ John Barnett ∙ James H. Barnett ∙ Randolph Barnett ∙ William Barnett ∙ Henry Barnett ∙ Thompson Barnett

[ Row Two ]

1861 — 1865

Moses Badders ∙ Russell B. Bartram ∙ James W. Barnhart ∙ Daniel Bauchman ∙ Andrew Battenberg ∙ Jay P. Battenberg ∙ William Battenberg ∙ John Baumgartner ∙ Peter Baumgartner ∙ Daniel Baumgartner ∙ John Baltzell ∙ Joseph R. Berg ∙ Johnston Beam ∙ Vincent D. Bell ∙ Lemuel D. Bears ∙ William Beery ∙ John H. Bender ∙ Owen Berger ∙ George Beckner ∙ Nathan Beckner ∙ William H. Bennett ∙ Pembroke Beckwith ∙ Eleazor Biggs ∙ Jeremiah Biggs ∙ Samuel F. Biteman ∙ James H. Biteman ∙ Solomon Billman ∙ Jonithan Billman ∙ Christian Bischoff ∙ Charles D. Bly ∙ Lous Bly ∙ William Bly ∙ William Blue ∙ John Blood ∙ Cyrus M. Black ∙ Eli Blazer ∙ Ira A. Blossom ∙ Lyman R. Blossom ∙ John M. Blossom ∙ Harry Blowers ∙ John Blocker ∙ Norval Blackburn ∙ Robert Blackburn ∙ Robert Boyd ∙ David A. Boyd ∙ James R. Boyd ∙ Reubin A. Boan ∙ Charles Bolus ∙ Nathan S. Bodle ∙ James M. Boyer ∙ Alexander Bolos ∙ William Bonner ∙ Samuel Bonner ∙ Michael Bowers ∙ George F. Bowers ∙ Joseph Bolton ∙ John Bogner ∙ James Bowles ∙ Joseph Boocher ∙ Samuel C. Bollman ∙ Martin Bobmeyer ∙ Michael Boerstler ∙ Sylvester Bollenbaugh ∙ John Brown ∙ John M. Brown ∙ William Brown ∙ Mark M. Brown ∙ Nathan P. Brown ∙ Hiram A. Brown ∙ J. B. Broas ∙ John Brock ∙ Jason Bryan

[ Row Three ]

1861 — 1865

William Brokaw ∙ John Brokaw ∙ W. H. H. Briggs ∙ John G. Brenner ∙ Michael Breiner ∙ Joseph Bradley ∙ John Bradley ∙ Aaron Bricker ∙ David Britson ∙ Thompson Bronson ∙ Horrace E. Brothers ∙ Clark Brothers ∙ Edward W. Brothers ∙ Oscar Brothers ∙ Hiram Brothers ∙ Peter Bradford ∙ David C. Bradford ∙ James H. Browning ∙ Daniel Brewster ∙ John Brockham ∙ Joseph Bremercamp ∙ Abraham Brandyberry ∙ John Brandyberry ∙ Jesse Brandyberry ∙ Alexander Brandyberry ∙ Ezra Brandyberry ∙ Perry W. Burk ∙ Perry L. Burk ∙ William Burk ∙ Isaac Bush ∙ Ernst Buuck ∙ Detrick Buuck ∙ William M. Burdg ∙ John Burdg ∙ Anthony Burdg ∙ Calvin Burdg ∙ Malichi Burns ∙ Albert Burris ∙ Eugene Bunner ∙ George W. Buckey ∙ Jacob Butcher ∙ Joseph Butcher ∙ Isaac Burdoin ∙ Green B. Burkhead ∙ Samuel O. Burkhead ∙ Nathan H. Burkhead ∙ Johnithan Burkhead ∙ Collins Bushnell ∙ Arch Buckmaster ∙ Henry B. Buckmaster ∙ Richard Buckmaster ∙ Samuel Buckmaster ∙ James Brunnegraff ∙ Abraham Byrd ∙ Moses Byers ∙ Christen Byer ∙ Jasper Byer ∙ Jasper Case ∙ Charles Carver ∙ John G. Cayton ∙ William Calwell ∙ Josiah Carpenter ∙ Lafayette Carpenter ∙ Joseph Carpenter ∙ John Carpenter ∙ James C. Calderwood ∙ Emlin Calderwood ∙ Alonzo Calderwood ∙ John J. Chubb ∙ Monroe Chubb ∙ Thomas J. Childes ∙ C. W. Chapman

[ Row Four ]

1861 — 1865

Mordical Chilcoat ∙ Joshua Chilcoat ∙ Godfrey Christen ∙ Albright J. Christen ∙ Samuel Chronister ∙ Henry Chronister ∙ Henry Christcamp ∙ Lorenzo Cherryholmes ∙ Jonas Cline ∙ George B. Cline ∙ Levi L. Clark ∙ Levi S. Clark ∙ Baldwin Clark ∙ Jacob Clark ∙ B. F. Clark ∙ Thomas Cloud ∙ Anthony P. Cloud ∙ Joel Click ∙ Wilber Clymer ∙ William Clawson ∙ Clayton Clawson ∙ Robert Clawson ∙ Warren Clawson ∙ William Clayton ∙ John Cox ∙ George Cook ∙ Jacob Cook ∙ S. Cook ∙ John A. Cowan ∙ Ezra H. Cowan ∙ Quimbly Cowan ∙ John T. Coots ∙ Charles Conrad ∙ Amos A. Covalt ∙ Louis A. Conter ∙ John Colchin ∙ John F. Colchin ∙ Nicholas Colchin ∙ Peter Colchin ∙ J. W. Collars ∙ Thomas J. Colgrill ∙ Francis M. Cottrell ∙ Elias G. Coverdale ∙ Winfield S. Congleton ∙ Benjamin F. Counsellor ∙ John Counterman ∙ John Crist ∙ George Crist ∙ Benjamin Crane ∙ Jacob M. Crabbs ∙ Jacob Crabbs ∙ Austin Crabbs ∙ James Cronan ∙ Samuel Crosier ∙ Abraham Crabill ∙ William Culley ∙ Adam Culley ∙ Oscar Curtis ∙ William Custer ∙ Ezra Cutting ∙ George W. Davy ∙ James Davy ∙ Joshua Davy ∙ S. S. Davis ∙ Robert A. Davis ∙ Roswell David ∙ William Danner ∙ Jeremiah Danner ∙ John T. Danner ∙ Esais Q. Dailey ∙ Esais Dailey ∙ William A. Dailey

[ Row Five ]

1861 — 1865

Alexander Dawkins ∙ Robert C. Daniels ∙ Alvin W. Daughtery ∙ Samuel Daughtery ∙ Byron H. Dent ∙ John Dean ∙ Michael Denne ∙ Daniel Death ∙ Abraham Debolt ∙ George Debolt ∙ Isaac Debolt ∙ Peter Decker ∙ John Denman ∙ Andrew J. Deviney ∙ John H. Delevan ∙ Anthony W. DeGarmore ∙ Ulrich Deininger ∙ Henry Dick ∙ Valentine Dishinger ∙ David Dillinger ∙ John G. Dittenger ∙ George R. Dickerson ∙ John Diffenbaugh ∙ Theodore Diffenbaugh ∙ James S. Dolan ∙ Hamilton Dodge ∙ William Downey ∙ William F. Doudney ∙ James Douglas ∙ Henry Doehman ∙ William Drum ∙ William Drew ∙ Jeremiah Draper ∙ William D. Drummond ∙ Robert A. Drummond ∙ Ralph Dutcher ∙ Almond Dutcher ∙ John H. Easton ∙ James L. Edge ∙ John W. Eswards ∙ James Edington ∙ George Edington ∙ Henry M. Edington ∙ Nathan Ehrman ∙ Charles Ehrman ∙ Werner Ehinger ∙ William A. Eley ∙ Jacob Eley ∙ John W. Eley ∙ David Eley ∙ John Elzey ∙ Perry Elzey ∙ Richard S. Elzey ∙ John S. A. Elzey ∙ Ezekiel Elzey ∙ Frank M. Elzey ∙ John Emory ∙ Daniel Embody ∙ William Engle ∙ Henry Engle ∙ John Engle ∙ Henry Epke ∙ John Ernst ∙ Titus H. Ernst ∙ Enos W. Erick ∙ Joseph Erwin ∙ David Essex ∙ William H. Estell ∙ Thomas J. Estell ∙ Philip Everett ∙ Joseph Everett ∙ Barney Everett

[ Row Six ]

1861 — 1865

John C. Evehart ∙ Joseph K. Evans ∙ Erastus Ewing ∙ Aaron Ewing ∙ John Eyanson ∙ Purley Farlow ∙ John Farlow ∙ William Fetters ∙ Hamilton Fetters ∙ Samuel Fetters ∙ Philip Fetters ∙ James A. Ferguson ∙ George W. Ferguson ∙ Thomas E. Fisher ∙ William Fields ∙ Thomas Fivecoats ∙ Abraham Flickinger ∙ Jacob Flory ∙ George W. Ford ∙ Henry Fogel ∙ Jeremiah Foster ∙ A. M. Foster ∙ Joseph J. Foster ∙ Albert N. Foster ∙ William H. Fought ∙ Henry B. Fordyce ∙ Jasper N. Fordyce ∙ John Fordyce ∙ Simeon B. Fordyce ∙ Gregory Fosnocht ∙ Frederick Franz ∙ Henry Franz ∙ Frederick F. French ∙ Joshua Franks ∙ James Fravel ∙ Jacob Frasier ∙ Emanuel Fredline ∙ John D. Fredline ∙ Isaac Fredline ∙ William Fredline ∙ Morgan Funk ∙ Henry Fuhrman ∙ Paul Gase ∙ Enock W. Gauze ∙ William Gauze ∙ James Gaunt ∙ William Gault ∙ George W. Gates ∙ Samuel Garver ∙ Lawrence Gaffer ∙ David Gallaway ∙ Elijah Gallaway ∙ Josiah Gallaway ∙ Edward F. Geir ∙ Wolrick Gerig ∙ David Gessinger ∙ Manassaih Gilson ∙ James Gilson ∙ Thomas A. Gilpen ∙ Joseph Gibson ∙ John T. Gilliam ∙ Dudley Gilford ∙ J. M. Gilchrist ∙ George Glass ∙ Hugh G. Glancy ∙ J. D. Glancy ∙ William Golden ∙ John Gordon ∙ Sylvester Gorsline ∙ William R. Gorsline ∙ Joseph Grim ∙ Reubin Grim

[ Row Seven ]

1861 — 1865

Stephen Green ∙ John Green ∙ John M. Greek ∙ George Grimes ∙ John Grimes ∙ Levi Grimes ∙ Clark A. Graber ∙ S. B. Griggs ∙ Augustus C. Gregory ∙ Lemuel N. Grandstaff ∙ George Grasshopper ∙ Henry H. Hart ∙ James Hart ∙ Henry Hart ∙ Calvin D. Hart ∙ John D. Hale ∙ Silas W. Hale ∙ James C. Hale ∙ Frederick Hawk ∙ Devin Hays ∙ George W. Hahn ∙ William Hall ∙ Hamilton Harper ∙ William Harper ∙ Taylor Hammon ∙ George Hammon ∙ Isaac N. Haynes ∙ Colonel J. Havelin ∙ Enoch Havelin ∙ Charles Hammond ∙ Cyrus M. Hammell ∙ Ephriam Hartman ∙ Abraham Hawkins ∙ Christopher Haveland ∙ Jackson E. Haveland ∙ Samuel Harrison ∙ William Harkless ∙ Joseph Helm ∙ George Helm ∙ M. M. Herr ∙ Jacob Heller ∙ Johnithan Herron ∙ Michael Heffner ∙ John Herring ∙ J. W. Heistand ∙ John Hendricks ∙ Johnithan Hendricks ∙ Jacob Hendricks ∙ William Hendricks ∙ Joseph E. Hendricks ∙ Philip Hendricks ∙ Edgar A. Henderson ∙ Thomas Henderson ∙ Charles A. Henderson ∙ Henry M. Hendington ∙ Adoniram J. Hill ∙ Lewis G. Hill ∙ Lewis Hill ∙ William Hilton ∙ Samuel Hilton ∙ Levi Hillis ∙ William Higgins ∙ Francis Hipkins ∙ Jacob Horn ∙ Thomas H. House ∙ Jason Hobbs ∙ William Horton ∙ Ephriam Howard ∙ John Houser ∙ Augustus Holana ∙ Joseph Hocker ∙ Dr. A. G. Holloway

[ Row Eight ]

1861 — 1865

John M. Holloway ∙ T. P. Hollingworth ∙ William D. Hoffman ∙ George W. Hull ∙ George Hurt ∙ John Hursh ∙ George Humes ∙ George Huddle ∙ David Hudson ∙ Jacob Huffman ∙ David Huffman ∙ Barnum Hutchins ∙ John M. Hutchins ∙ Enock Hutchinson ∙ Jacob Hullinger ∙ David Hullinger ∙ Andrew Idelwine ∙ Albert N. Jack ∙ Charles Jacobs ∙ Daniel Jacobson ∙ Joseph E. Jones ∙ Daniel Jones ∙ Daniel T. Jones ∙ Enman W. Jones ∙ William I. Jones ∙ John B. Jones ∙ Zachariah Jones ∙ Samuel Jones ∙ James W. Jones ∙ Richard Jones ∙ Benjamin Jones ∙ Joseph L. Johnson ∙ Leonard W. Johnson ∙ Noah Johnson ∙ Samuel Johnson ∙ Benjamin S. Johnson ∙ William J. Johnson ∙ Daniel A. Johnson ∙ William F. Johnson ∙ Michael Johnson ∙ Robert W. Johnson ∙ James M. Johnson ∙ John Johnson ∙ John K. Johnson ∙ George Johnson (1) ∙ George Johnson (2) ∙ William Johnstone ∙ John L. Judy ∙ Andrew J. Judy ∙ Frank Jurock ∙ Joseph Julian ∙ Myre Kahn ∙ Washington Kern ∙ John W. Kern ∙ D. M. Kerr ∙ James Kelley ∙ Isaac B. Kelley ∙ Jeremiah Kelley ∙ George W. Keller ∙ Philip Kestler ∙ John Kestler ∙ Silas H. Kennedy ∙ Theodore Kennedy ∙ Stephen Kessler ∙ David King ∙ William A. King ∙ Jacob King ∙ Franklin King ∙ George W. Kiser ∙ Daniel A. Kitson ∙ William T. Kimsey ∙ Conrad Kimmell

[ Row Nine ]

1861 — 1865

Andrew J. Kirkland ∙ Johnithan D. Kline ∙ Lee Kline ∙ William Kline ∙ Eli Krouse ∙ Edward W. Lane ∙ Charles A. Lamar ∙ David Laman ∙ Edward W. LaRue ∙ Ferguson Lawson ∙ Hesikiah Lambert ∙ Joel Laughery ∙ William Laughery ∙ John Laughery ∙ James E. Lawrence ∙ Henry Lankenau ∙ John Lee ∙ Eurastus Lee ∙ Jesse Lewis ∙ David W. Lewis ∙ Tillman F. Lewis ∙ Abraham Lemon ∙ Robert Lemon ∙ Lewis W. Lewton ∙ Edward H. LeBrun ∙ Joseph Lenhart ∙ John Learman ∙ Dayton Lhaman ∙ Abraham Lhaman ∙ Thomas Lhaman ∙ Daniel Linn ∙ David B. Linton ∙ James E. Linton ∙ Peter Litzel ∙ Ezra Lister ∙ Franklin Lord ∙ Martin Lord ∙ William Lord ∙ John Long ∙ George Long ∙ Polsom Long ∙ Andrew Long ∙ Levi Long ∙ William H. Long ∙ Lewis Long ∙ John A. Logan ∙ W. A. Logan ∙ George W. Louthan ∙ Moses Louthan ∙ James E. Louden ∙ William Lopshire ∙ John Lotzenhiser ∙ Gideon Longenberger ∙ Hamilton Lutes ∙ Henry Lunnan ∙ William Lynch ∙ Moses May ∙ C. E. Macy ∙ Jethro Macy ∙ Silas C. Martz ∙ Smith Martz ∙ Milton Major ∙ Samuel Major ∙ Thomas J. Major ∙ William R. Mapel ∙ Samuel T. Mahon ∙ Adam A. Mason ∙ Samuel Maure ∙ Hamon Martin ∙ John Martin ∙ James C. Martin ∙ John L. Martin

[[ Large - Right Panel ]]

[ Row One ]

1861 — 1865

Luther Martin ∙ J. B. Magner ∙ John Magner ∙ M. A. Magner ∙ Henry Magner ∙ William Marvin ∙ William L. Mattox ∙ John W. Malott ∙ Christen Magley ∙ Robert Maloney ∙ Charles Maloney ∙ George Marquet ∙ William P. Mallonee ∙ Thomas W. Mallonee ∙ John J. Mallonee ∙ John Maccubee ∙ Smith Marchland ∙ M. Manneschmith ∙ Jackson R. McAlhany ∙ Armstrong McCan ∙ James McCune ∙ Henry McCune ∙ Lawrence McCune ∙ John S. McClain ∙ Lemuel McCloud ∙ Absolom McCurdy ∙ David McCardle ∙ Eli D. McCollum ∙ Elisha McChristy ∙ Absolom McChristy ∙ Francis McCampbell ∙ William B. McCampbell ∙ Thomas McCullough ∙ Andrew McDougal ∙ Perry McDaniel ∙ James M. McDaniel ∙ William McDaniel ∙ William McDermot ∙ Jacob McDowell ∙ James McGrath ∙ John E. McGriff ∙ John McGill ∙ Henry B. McHugh ∙ John W. McKean ∙ Moses McKinsey ∙ Isaac R. McLeod ∙ John McLeod ∙ Henry McLean ∙ Isaac McMillen ∙ Hugh McWhirter ∙ George McWhirter ∙ Jacob Meyer ∙ Andrew Meyer ∙ Frederick Meitz ∙ Augustus Meitz ∙ W. R. Meeks ∙ Patrick Meehan ∙ Noah Merica ∙ Edwin S. Metzger ∙ Charles W. Merryman ∙ Henry L. Merryman ∙ John Merryman ∙ George W. Merryman ∙ Christan Mitch ∙ Charles W. Miller ∙ John C. Miller ∙ Daniel Miller ∙ Joseph Miller ∙ Andrew Miller ∙ Jacob Miller ∙ Riley J. Miller ∙ George Miller

[ Row Two ]

1861 — 1865

Mathias Miller (1) ∙ Mathias Miller (2) ∙ Samuel S. Mickle ∙ Eli Michael ∙ David Michael ∙ Joseph Michael ∙ Henry Michand ∙ John Middleton ∙ James Middleton ∙ Theodore R. Moore ∙ William Moore ∙ James Moore ∙ Ephriam Mosure ∙ James Mooney ∙ Johnithan Morison ∙ Henry Moracle ∙ Samuel Morningstar ∙ George Mumma ∙ Reason F. Mumma ∙ John H. Mumma ∙ John Murray ∙ Calvin R. Murray ∙ Oliver P. Murray ∙ Andrew Murray ∙ George Musser ∙ Daniel Musser ∙ David Murphy ∙ Wyatt H. Murphy ∙ John Mullen ∙ Henry H. Myers ∙ George Myers ∙ Henry Myers ∙ William H. Myers ∙ James C. Myers ∙ Abraham Meyer ∙ Jerome Myers ∙ Jesse Myers ∙ Daniel Need ∙ Edward Nelson ∙ Levi Nelson ∙ Isaac Nelson ∙ James I. Neptune ∙ Nicholas Nemmert ∙ Robert Niblick ∙ Alexander North ∙ Nelson Norman ∙ William Norwald ∙ Perry Odel ∙ Zephiniaih Odel ∙ Nathan Odel ∙ James Ogden ∙ John O’Harrow ∙ Jonithan Orndorff ∙ John Oswalt ∙ James Overly ∙ Daniel Overhulser ∙ David Palm ∙ Howard Parr ∙ Calvin Parks ∙ Joshua R. Parrish ∙ Joseph L. Parrish ∙ Abner S. Parrish ∙ Andrew J. Palmer ∙ Benjamin F. Paxton ∙ Isaac Paulison ∙ Robert D. Patterson ∙ VanRanslier Patterson ∙ James M. Patterson ∙ Harvey M. Patterson ∙ Joseph Pamenter ∙ Henry Pegg ∙ John Pease

[ Row Three ]

1861 — 1865

William Peele ∙ Martin Peters ∙ Robert S. Peterson ∙ Henry C. Peterson ∙ James Peterson ∙ John Peterson ∙ Herbert Pennington ∙ Joseph Pfiffer ∙ John Phipps ∙ H. L. Phillips ∙ Hiram Pine ∙ William Pillars ∙ Benjamin Pillars ∙ Charles Pierson ∙ George Place ∙ Leroy Place ∙ O. Platt ∙ Jacob Plocher ∙ David Plocher ∙ William Plummer ∙ Joseph Pogue ∙ Dr. John P. Porter ∙ William Porter ∙ Alexander A. Porter ∙ Mathew H. Porter ∙ Charles C. Porter ∙ Daniel C. Pontius ∙ John Pontius ∙ Richard H. Pratt ∙ Solomon Prior ∙ Warren Presho ∙ Joseph Prentis ∙ Lewis H. Purdy ∙ Johnithan M. Pyle ∙ Washington Pyle ∙ John P. Quinn ∙ William Quinn ∙ Eli M. Ray ∙ Johnithan F. Ray ∙ John W. Ray ∙ Levi W. Ray ∙ John Ray ∙ John M. Ray ∙ Lafayette Rape ∙ Isaac Rash ∙ Moses S. Ramey ∙ W. H. Ramey ∙ George Raver ∙ John Rawley ∙ Nicholas Rabbitt ∙ Thomas Rabbitt ∙ Martin Railing ∙ Jacob Railing ∙ Charles T. Rainier ∙ David Ransler ∙ Dr. S. G. Ralston ∙ William Ransbottom ∙ John H. Reed ∙ Samuel Reed ∙ Frederick Reff ∙ William Reiter ∙ Frederick Reppert ∙ Louis Reppert ∙ James Redding ∙ Rev. D. B. Reckard ∙ Daniel P. Reynolds ∙ Joseph Reynolds ∙ Levi Reynolds ∙ Ephriam Reynolds ∙ William Reynolds ∙ Ormes Reynolds ∙ Elisha Reynolds

[ Row Four ]

1861 — 1865

Louis Reynolds ∙ Andrew J. Reynolds ∙ Henry H. Reichard ∙ Frederick Rhoads ∙ William R. Rice ∙ Eli Riker ∙ Lafayette Riker ∙ George Riley ∙ George W. Riley ∙ Lewis B. Rising ∙ Tobias Ritter ∙ John F. Ripley ∙ William D. Roop ∙ Amos Roop ∙ Jacob C. Roop ∙ Charles Rose ∙ James Rose ∙ Peter Robert ∙ William A. Roebuck ∙ Ebinezer Roebuck ∙ William Roberts ∙ Alexander Robison ∙ William Robinold ∙ C. W. Rockwood ∙ John Rodenbush ∙ Dewitt C. Rugg ∙ Jay Rugg ∙ Jacob M. Rush ∙ James Rush ∙ William Ruby ∙ Elrey Ruble ∙ Jacob J. Runkle ∙ Jacob Rumple ∙ Jeremiah Russell ∙ William Russell ∙ John Russell ∙ William L. Ruggles ∙ John Ruttinger ∙ John Saurer ∙ John A. Sackett ∙ William Sackett ∙ Cyrus Sackett ∙ Samuel Sackett ∙ James Scott ∙ Hobert Scott ∙ John P. Scheer ∙ John J. Scheer ∙ Andrew W. Scoles ∙ Sylvester Scoles ∙ John Schock ∙ Henry J. Schmidt ∙ Henry A. Schmidt ∙ Henry Schnepp ∙ John Schaupp ∙ Hiram P. Sells ∙ Sanford A. Semore ∙ Peter Sether ∙ David Sellinger ∙ Timothy Shaw ∙ Samuel Shady ∙ Joseph Shady ∙ Samuel Shell ∙ Levi Shell ∙ Albert Shell ∙ Aaron Shick ∙ Benjamin W. Sholty ∙ Noah S. Sheets ∙ Dr. W. H. Shrock ∙ Jacob Shrank ∙ Albert Shaffer ∙ Isaac Shaffer ∙ John Shaffer

[ Row Five ]

1861 — 1865

Andrew Sheller ∙ Jacob A. Showers ∙ Abraham Sherman ∙ Thomas P. Shepherd ∙ Daniel K. Shackley ∙ Joseph Shoemaker ∙ Joseph Sims ∙ Peter W. Sipes ∙ Isaiah W. Sipes ∙ John C. Simsom ∙ Andrew J. Simcoke ∙ Andrew Slacher ∙ William Slusser ∙ John H. Smith ∙ John M. Smith ∙ John A. Smith ∙ John W. Smith ∙ James R. Smith ∙ James H. Smith ∙ Samuel Smith (1) ∙ Samuel Smith (2) ∙ Isaiah Smith ∙ Isaiah A. Smith ∙ Augustus Smith ∙ Augustus D. Smith ∙ Augustene P. Smith ∙ Robert E. Smith, Sen. ∙ Robert E. Smith, Jr. ∙ David W. Smith ∙ William W. Smith ∙ Jehu Smith ∙ Joseph W. Smith ∙ Isaac Smith ∙ Josiah Smith ∙ Eli Smith ∙ Theodore Smith ∙ Jacob Smith ∙ Thomas Smith ∙ Henry Smith ∙ Alexander Smith ∙ Jesse Smith ∙ David D. Smith ∙ Samuel C. Snyder ∙ Henry H. Snyder ∙ Franklin Snyder ∙ Theodore Snader ∙ Jacob Spade ∙ John Sphar ∙ Samuel Sprawl ∙ James Spencer ∙ Martin V. B. Spencer ∙ George Spuller ∙ Jacob Spuller ∙ Randall Sprague ∙ Sylvester Spangler ∙ David Steele ∙ John Steele ∙ James Steele ∙ Samuel Steele ∙ James H. Stults ∙ John Strate ∙ James Stoops, Jr. ∙ John Strode ∙ George Stevens ∙ William Stevens ∙ William H. Stutler ∙ John Stepler ∙ Samuel Strickler ∙ William Strickler ∙ John Strickler ∙ Emory Stockwell ∙ Charles Stephenson

[ Row Six ]

1861 — 1865

Theodore Summers ∙ Horrace Suddeth ∙ John M. Sulivan ∙ William Swank ∙ Alexander Swank ∙ James Swartz ∙ Joshua Swigart ∙ Jacob Swartentrube ∙ Wilson Tague ∙ Joseph Tague ∙ William Taylor ∙ Andrew J. Teeple ∙ George W. Teeple ∙ Thomas H. Teeple ∙ John P. Teeple ∙ Samuel Teeple ∙ James B. Teeple ∙ Henry B. Teeple ∙ Elias Teeple ∙ Jacob Tester ∙ George W. Thomas ∙ A.G. Thompson ∙ Robert H. Thompson ∙ Riley Thompson ∙ James R. Thompson ∙ Chr. B. Thorp ∙ John Thatcher ∙ John F. Tisron ∙ William Tom ∙ Henry Trim ∙ Prentis J. Tryon ∙ William Troxel ∙ Emanuael Tricker ∙ George Trimbel ∙ George W. Troutner ∙ James Turner ∙ Charles Tucker ∙ Samuel Tumbelson ∙ James R. Tumbelson ∙ John C. Tyndall ∙ Mathias Ullman ∙ Henry Urick ∙ Joseph Urick ∙ John Urick ∙ Daniel Urick ∙ Mark T. Vance ∙ Robert Vance ∙ M. P. Vance ∙ James Vananda ∙ James Vandermark ∙ William Veley ∙ Isaac W. Veley ∙ William Votaw ∙ J. M. Voorhees ∙ John Wade ∙ Henry Wafel ∙ W. W. Watts ∙ Arthur Watson ∙ John J. Watson ∙ George Watson ∙ William Walton ∙ Wilson C. Watkins ∙ Seth W. Watkins ∙ Truborn Watkins ∙ Elijah Walters ∙ Washington Walters ∙ David Warling ∙ J. A. Waldron ∙ James Wallace ∙ Isaac Waggoner ∙ Lewis S. Waggoner ∙ Martin Waggoner

[ Row Seven ]

1861 — 1865

Samuel Warbington ∙ James Washinton ∙ Martin Webb ∙ Harrod Weny ∙ Samuel Wert ∙ David T. Wells ∙ John T. Weimer ∙ Henry Weimer ∙ Henry C. Weimer ∙ Benjamin F. Weimer ∙ George W. Weimer ∙ John Welfly ∙ Frederick Felfly ∙ John Weible ∙ Jacob Weible ∙ William A. Wetter ∙ John Weiant ∙ Joel Weaver ∙ Jacob Wechter ∙ John W. Wenzler ∙ Michael J. Wertzberger ∙ John B. White ∙ Isaac Wheeler ∙ David Wheeler ∙ James Whipple ∙ Benjamin F. Whitten ∙ John Whitmore ∙ Perry Wise ∙ Peter Wise ∙ E. M. Wiswell ∙ John Will ∙ Covey L. Wilson ∙ James C. Wilson ∙ Gilbert Wilson ∙ William W. Wilson ∙ George Wilson ∙ Samuel Winans ∙ Benjamin B. Winans ∙ David Winget ∙ Joseph Wisler ∙ Rev. H. Theo. Wilken ∙ William A. Wisner ∙ William Wiley ∙ John H. Williams ∙ Christian Winkleman ∙ John Winkleman ∙ Benjamin F. Wood ∙ Henry Wood ∙ Jacob B. Wolf ∙ Emanuel Woods ∙ James Woodward ∙ George W. Woodward ∙ Elmer Woodruff ∙ Jacob Wyre ∙ David W. Wynn ∙ John Yant ∙ John Yager ∙ Jacob Yager ∙ Albert Yager ∙ Custave Yager ∙ John Yost ∙ Andrew Young ∙ Jacob Young ∙ Enos W. Yocum ∙ Mathias Yoder ∙ William Zerkle ∙ Joseph Zediker ∙ Eli Zimmerman ∙ Humphrey Coffee ∙ A. L. Forrey ∙ Geo. V. Kirsch ∙ David & Daniel Meyer

[ Row Eight ]

Spanish American War

John D. Andrews ∙ Lewis E. Andrews ∙ Lesslie B. Andrews ∙ Henry S. Ashbaucher ∙ Charles E. Ault ∙ John C. Ault ∙ Jason P. Baker ∙ Edward Barber ∙ Edward Barnett ∙ William A. Barkley ∙ Charles E. Barnhart ∙ Roman Barthell ∙ Harry E. Bell ∙ Charles Beery ∙ Dallas E. Blossom ∙ Rollins T. Bobo ∙ George Bowers ∙ Arthur O. Bollinger ∙ Charles Brothers ∙ Harvey E. Broadbeck ∙ John Brandyberry ∙ Emerson H. Burch ∙ Gerorge W. Burrell ∙ William E. Bushnell ∙ Cladd Burkhead ∙ James S. Buchanan ∙ James O. Chilcoat ∙ Edward M. Closs ∙ George Conrad ∙ Arthur P. Cutting ∙ Arlie DeVoss ∙ S. C. Edington ∙ George H. Everetts ∙ Amos Fisher ∙ Jonas Fisher ∙ William Foreman ∙ John L. Frank ∙ Burton Fuller ∙ Edward Fulton ∙ John Gass ∙ William Galt ∙ John W. Garwood ∙ Frank Gessinger ∙ John H. Good ∙ Lorenzo Gorden ∙ John Hall ∙ James Z. Hakes ∙ John G. Hanna ∙ Alfred Hahnert ∙ Jacob Hess ∙ Charles W. Hower ∙ William Hurst ∙ John H. Hurst ∙ Scott Hughes ∙ James F. Hudson ∙ Thomas J. Johnson ∙ John D. Kern ∙ Charles Kitson ∙ Benton Knoff ∙ Jasper C. Lee ∙ John M. Lenhart ∙ Robert B. Lipes ∙ Charles Lord ∙ Michael Lord ∙ Edward B. Macy ∙ Lloyd McIntosh ∙ Leonard McKenzie

[ Row Nine ]

Spanish American War

Edmund P. Miller ∙ Arthur Miller ∙ Craig Miller ∙ Charles E. Mumma ∙ Richard D. Myers ∙ Harvey E. Myers ∙ William Noll ∙ Charles T. Omlor ∙ French Parrish ∙ Frank Peterson ∙ Robert S. Peterson, Jr. ∙ Charles S. Peterson ∙ Eli W. Peterson ∙ Harry M. Quinn ∙ Lewis E. Rape ∙ Samuel Railing ∙ Daniel Railing ∙ Frederick G. Reed ∙ Harry Reichart ∙ Joseph E. Rich ∙ Jesse B. Roop ∙ Chancey Roop ∙ Lorin Roop ∙ Frank Ruby ∙ Arthur Russell ∙ Millard Russell ∙ Louis Sampson ∙ Samuel Schiedegger ∙ Samuel L. Simms ∙ George R. Smith ∙ Frank L. Smith ∙ Harland Steele ∙ Isaiah Suman ∙ David E. Studabaker ∙ Edward Touhey ∙ William Tucker ∙ Henry Tyndall ∙ Frederick Vaughn ∙ John W. Watkins ∙ William A. Waggoner ∙ Charles M. Wey ∙ Oliver Werst ∙ Schuyler Weimer ∙ Claud W. Whitcomb ∙ David Williams ∙ Roy Wolford ∙ Charles Woodward

Mexican War

Russell P. Enos ∙ Nuss C. Largent ∙ Elisha Leasure ∙ James M. Luckey ∙ Isaac H. Rose ∙ Conrad Reinking ∙ Lewis Vine ∙ B. B. Winans

War of 1812

John Grim ∙ Henry Martz ∙ Andrew Hoskinson ∙ Joseph Shackley ∙ Peter Studabaker

[[ Obverse Side of Memorial ]]

[ Left Section ]

To the Glory of our Country
and in loving memory of
our Soldier Heroes

[ Center Section ]

To the women of our Nation
as a tribute to their
Courage, Devotion, and Sacrifice

(War of 1812 • War, Mexican-American • War, Spanish-American • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 13 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

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