Connecticut, New Haven County, Milford
Peter Pond
1740 – 1807 Somewhere in the adjacent cemetery lies the unmarked grave of Peter Pond, a veteran of the French and Indian War, fur trader, explorer and cartographer born in Milford. He helped organize expeditions west of the Great Lakes. He became internationally renowned for maps he drew of the Northwest and Canada based on his explorations and input from others, including Native Americans. His exploits ultimately prompted President Thomas Jefferson to send Lewis and Clark on their quest to explore the Northwest Region. In 1790 Pond sold his shares of the North West Co., the trading company of which he was a founding member, and returned to Milford. Milford Preservation Trust
(Colonial Era • Exploration) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

1740 – 1807 Somewhere in the adjacent cemetery lies the unmarked grave of Peter Pond, a veteran of the French and Indian War, fur trader, explorer and cartographer born in Milford. He helped organize expeditions west of the Great Lakes. He became internationally renowned for maps he drew of the Northwest and Canada based on his explorations and input from others, including Native Americans. His exploits ultimately prompted President Thomas Jefferson to send Lewis and Clark on their quest to explore the Northwest Region. In 1790 Pond sold his shares of the North West Co., the trading company of which he was a founding member, and returned to Milford. Milford Preservation Trust
(Colonial Era • Exploration) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.