California, Alameda County, Berkeley
[Marker #1] In Memory of Those Who
Made the
Supreme Sacrifice
in the World War
C T Vinther • J T Gimbel • A H Ohman Berkeley Parlor No 210
Native Sons of the Golden West [Marker #2]
This Tree Dedicated
to the Memory of the
Grand Army of the Republic
by Lookout Mountain
Relief Corp No 35
April, 6, 1924
[Marker #3]
In Memory of
Cadet Chester F.M. Buchanan
United States Army Air Corps
1910-1934 Erected 9-56 Erected 9-56
(War, US Civil • War, World I) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
[Marker #1] In Memory of Those Who
Made the
Supreme Sacrifice
in the World War
C T Vinther • J T Gimbel • A H Ohman Berkeley Parlor No 210
Native Sons of the Golden West [Marker #2]
This Tree Dedicated
to the Memory of the
Grand Army of the Republic
by Lookout Mountain
Relief Corp No 35
April, 6, 1924
[Marker #3]
In Memory of
Cadet Chester F.M. Buchanan
United States Army Air Corps
1910-1934 Erected 9-56 Erected 9-56
(War, US Civil • War, World I) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.