New York, Herkimer County, Herkimer
This tablet is erected by the people
of the County of Herkimer
in grateful remembrance
of the valiant and distinguished services
of the Thirty-Fourth Regiment
New York State Volunteer Infantry
in the War of the Rebellion
under the command of
Colonel James A. Suiter
Enlisted and organized under the first
call for volunteers issued April 15, 1861
mustered into the service of the
State of New York May 1, 1861
mustered into the service of the
United States June 15, 1861
First Brigade, Second Division, Second Corps
Army of the Potomac
Distinctly representing this county
these heroic defenders of the Union
like unto their forefathers of the
Revolution promptly manifested their
patriotic zeal and freely offered their
lives for the perpetuation of the
fundamental principles of this Republic
(Patriots & Patriotism • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

of the County of Herkimer
in grateful remembrance
of the valiant and distinguished services
of the Thirty-Fourth Regiment
New York State Volunteer Infantry
in the War of the Rebellion
under the command of
Colonel James A. Suiter
Enlisted and organized under the first
call for volunteers issued April 15, 1861
mustered into the service of the
State of New York May 1, 1861
mustered into the service of the
United States June 15, 1861
First Brigade, Second Division, Second Corps
Army of the Potomac
Distinctly representing this county
these heroic defenders of the Union
like unto their forefathers of the
Revolution promptly manifested their
patriotic zeal and freely offered their
lives for the perpetuation of the
fundamental principles of this Republic
(Patriots & Patriotism • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.