California, Kern County, Tehachapi
A street dance held in 1915 commemorated the first electric streetlights installed in Tehachapi. The site of the dance was the corner of Green and F Street. The building there housed the Masonic Lodge and Post Office in 1915, and the mural shows the type of streetlight actually installed in 1915. Faces of current local residents, and those from the history of Tehachapi, were chosen to incorporate into the scene. The faces represent five former mayors and other old-time residents, as well as current residents, one child and a dog. The fire hydrant with a straw hat tossed casually on top is from the original photo.
Painted by Phil Slagter - 2004
(Arts, Letters, Music) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
A street dance held in 1915 commemorated the first electric streetlights installed in Tehachapi. The site of the dance was the corner of Green and F Street. The building there housed the Masonic Lodge and Post Office in 1915, and the mural shows the type of streetlight actually installed in 1915. Faces of current local residents, and those from the history of Tehachapi, were chosen to incorporate into the scene. The faces represent five former mayors and other old-time residents, as well as current residents, one child and a dog. The fire hydrant with a straw hat tossed casually on top is from the original photo.
Painted by Phil Slagter - 2004
(Arts, Letters, Music) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.