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Battle Hill

New York, Washington County, Fort Anne
At this pass was fought the
Battle of Fort Anne
July 8 – 1777

Here Burgoyne was first checked in his victorious march by a fierce all day battle with the Americans which delayed the British and made possible their defeat at Saratoga.

This tablet is erected by
the State of New York and
the Town of Fort Anne

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Birthplace of the United States Navy

New York, Washington County, Whitehall
Arnold’s Valcour fleet
built in the summer of 1776,
in Skenesborough Harbor,
now Whitehall.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Dinosaur Graveyard

Wyoming, Albany County, near Medicine Bow
To the north lies Como Bluff - "The Dinosaur Graveyard" - one of the greatest and well known fossil beds of dinosaur remains in the world. There paleontologist of the 19th century discovered and unearthed many excellent fossil specimens of the world's larges land creatures.
Crew working for paleontologists at Yale University and the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences found a multitude of dinosaur and other prehistoric animal remains in the late 1970s and 1880s, making Como Bluff the site of one of the most important discoveries of Jurassic fossils in the world. Dinosaur fossils from this region, including the now familiar Allosaurus, Stegosaurus, Camarasaurus, Diplodocus, and Apatosaurus (aka. Brontosaurus), did more than any other discoveries to make the public conscious of dinosaurs. Fierce competition ensued between paleontologists and academic institutions resulting in what is now known as the "Dinosaur Wars." In the late 1800s, hundreds of bones of dinosaurs and many other Jurassic animals, including some of the earliest known mammals were unearthed and shipped from this area. They now reside in such institutions as the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and the American Museum of Natural History. Fossil Cabin was constructed as a tourist attraction during the Lincoln Highway era.
Como Bluff and Fossil Cabin are listed on the National Resister of Historic Places. Como Bluff is primarily on private land. Trespassing is not allowed.

(Paleontology) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Skenesborough Museum

New York, Washington County, Whitehall
In 1775, Skenesborough was captured by American forces in the first aggressive action in New York. Benedict Arnold built his fleet for Lake Champlain here in 1776.

Revolutionary War Heritage Trail

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Whitehall Harbor

New York, Washington County, Whitehall
With the British in pursuit
three vessels of B. Arnold’s
Lake Champlain fleet were
blown up in this harbor by
American forces July 6, 1777
to avoid being captured.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Skene’s Mills

New York, Washington County, Whitehall
In this vicinity at
Wood Creek Falls, stood the
Skenesborough Mills used to
saw plank for Benedict
Arnold’s 1776 Valcour fleet.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Early British Cannon

New York, Washington County, Whitehall
Placed on board vessels of
B. Arnold’s Lake Champlain
fleet, both were blown up
in Whitehall Harbor by their
crews July 6, 1777, to avoid
capture by the British.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

U.S.S. Ticonderoga

New York, Washington County, Whitehall
Steamer laid at Vergennes
Converted to warsloop
MacDonough’s flagship 1814
Battle of Plattsburgh
Sunk East Bay – Raised 1958

(War of 1812) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

British Artillery Park

New York, Saratoga County, Schuylerville
Here on
retreat from
Bemis Heights
night October
10th 1777
British Army

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Berlin Mill

Nevada, Nye County, Berlin
This building was a beehive of activity while Berlin was in its heyday.

One man tended to the primary crusher and did other odd jobs, another tended the 30 stamps and the concentration tables, and a third man fired the five boilers and looked after the four steam engines. One engine powered the primary crusher and the stamps, another powered the concentrating tables, the third drove the direct current dynamos that supplied electricity for lights, and the fourth engine was combined with a compressor that furnished air to run the drilling rigs and pumps in the mine.

The area between the mill, machine shop and boardinghouse was piled high with cord wood used to fuel the boilers. Mine rail tracks were laid between the long piles of wood and flat rack trucks rolled on the tracks to bring wood close to the boilers.

(Notable Buildings • Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Marshall House

New York, Saratoga County, Schuylerville
House occupied by
Madame Riedesel and
the wounded officers
of Gen. Burgoyne’s army
Oct. 10, 1777.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Watson's House

Nevada, Nye County, Berlin
W.J. Watson who was a postmaster and store manager lived in this house with his daughter, Mrs. Reston and his granddaughter Zoe.

Although Mr. Watson was an employee of high rank, and he was aware of the anti-liquor policy of the company, he liked to take a drink of beer occasionally. In order not to be involved in an embarrassing situation he would give my father a dollar and ask him to purchase four bottles of beer with it. He would reward dad by giving him one bottle and saying in Spanish, "Tres para mi, y uno para uste", which means, "Three for me and one for you."

Mr. Watson was kind and helpful to everybody.

(Notable Buildings • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

George A. Wyman

Wyoming, Carbon County, Medicine Bow
George A. Wyman
1st Across America
San Francisco to
New York City, 1903

(Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cronin-Dexter Camp No. 28 United Spanish War Veterans

Iowa, Cerro Gordo County, Mason City

who volunteered their services
and gave their lives in the
War of 1898

(War, Spanish-American • Fraternal or Sororal Organizations • Patriots & Patriotism) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Replica of the Statue of Liberty

Iowa, Cerro Gordo County, Mason City

With the faith and courage of
their forefathers who made
possible the freedom of these
United States

The Boy Scouts of America

dedicate this replica of the
Statue of Liberty as a pledge
of everlasting fidelity and

40th Anniversary Crusade to
Strengthen the Arm of Liberty

(War, Cold • Patriots & Patriotism • Charity & Public Work) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Puerto de La Libertad

El Salvador, La Libertad, La Libertad

El Histórico Nacimiento del Puerto del Istmo...
Siendo precisos en el cuándo, dónde y cómo?...el 24 de febrero del año 1824 y por decreto del Congreso Federal de las Repúblicas de Centroamérica, la Hacienda Tepehaua es testigo de la transformación de sus tierras cuando habilita el “Puerto La Libertad” ubicado por privilegio de la Madre naturaleza, entre las puntas Roca Partida y Chilamat de dicha localidad.
La vida transcurre en este recinto, y fue hasta el 10 de Febrero de 1831 que con bombo y platillo el Puerto de La Libertad nace como uno de los Puertos del Istmo en el Océano Pacífico, transformando este destino, porque abre el Puerto hacia el comercio exterior. Ciertamente y por Decreto Federal, el 19 de enero del año 1835 el Puerto de La Liberta se convierte en El “Puerto de Mayor Registro.” llegando incluso, a sustituir al Puerto de de Acajutla en sus funciones portuarias.
La historia queda escrita para este destino, cuando 19 de febrero de 1835, el Puerto de Libertad es inaugurado por el congreso Federal de las Repúblicas de Centroamérica.
Como dato curioso… los libros de registro cuentan que el primer Buque de Vapor llamado “Primero” finalmente arriba al Puerto de la Libertad el 8 de enero de 1854, señalado además, que era un buque que contenía 225 toneladas de cargamento y se dice que era un viajero que conectaba puertos entre la Ciudad de California y Panamá.

Puerto de la Libertad: su gente y sus casas en los años 60’s…;
Con fecha 8 de diciembre de 1860, guardado históricamente en un informe municipal del Puerto de La Libertad, se hace constar que la población era de 226 habitantes quienes vivían alojados en 28 casas de rojizas tejas y muchos ranchos que los unificaban en sus costumbres y creencias propias del lugar.
Cuentan estos registros, que la población propiamente urbana era de 90 habitantes, que como parte de su patrimonio de infraestructura tenían un edificio de dos pisos que funcionaba como aduana del Gobierno, había un camino en construcción hacia San Salvador y para reguardo del fervor espiritual de su gente, para este año también se construyó una iglesia.
El 4 de Mayo de 1867, la historia robustece a este destino y en la administración del Licenciado Francisco Dueñas y el Ministro de Haciendo y Guerra, el señor Juan Bonilla en compañía del Coronel Manuel Cano Medrazo y Eduardo Hall, APRUEBAN por parte del gobierno: La contratación para construir un Muelle de hierro en La Libertad. Otro dato curioso, es que el Cabildo de esta población fue regalado por el supremo Gobierno y que por la construcción del muelle de hierro…el Puerto de La Libertad, fue el primero en esa técnica constructiva existente en el litoral salvadoreño.

La Irreversible Comunicación con el Puerto de La Libertad…
En la revisión del material histórico, finalmente se registra que el muelle del Puerto de La Libertad, fue inaugurado con gran pompa y regocijo el 7 de Octubre de 1869, siendo a todo orgullo de sus pobladores, una infraestructura con una longitud de 300 metros insertos en la belleza del mar de la costa pacífica.
El 27 de abril de 1870 el Puerto de La Libertad una vez más es el protagonista de la historia, cuando se inaugura en El Salvador la primera línea telegráfica entra la capital y el Puerto de La Libertad…Y dice la historia que el General Juan Jose Cañas comandante del Puerto, envió el primer mensaje al Presidente de la República, el Licenciado Francisco Dueñas.
El 10 de marzo de 1874 durante la administración de Don Santiago González, sucede el hecho trascendental que viene a marcar la historia del Puerto de La Libertad, siendo por decreto de la cámara de Senadores de la República conferir el título de Villa al pueblo del Puerto de La Libertad, contando en aquella fecha con 2,000 orgullosos habitantes.
Una curiosidad de la historia, es que en el año 1980, el galpón o caseta que se encontraba al final del muelle fue desmantelado por la marina nacional del puerto, como medida de seguridad, y que amenazaba con derrumbarse y dañar parte del muelle.

Una ola turística baña el Puerto de La Libertad…
Allá por el año 2004, el Turismo salvadoreño tiene el sueño de hacer realidad un proyecto de “Diseño Integral y Construcción del Complejo Turístico del Puerto de la Libertad, CTPLL”, el cual, estuviera inmerso en la realidad de su gente, en el simbolismo marino lugareño y que a través de las diferentes etapas de la construcción, representara además, la fauna del litoral pacífico de nuestro bello país.
Y es dentro de esta idea turística, que nace el Complejo Turístico del Puerto de la Libertad, constituido por la etapas siguientes:
∙ Etapa I – El Anfiteatro: representando la Jaiba que es un crustáceo caracterizado por tener cinco pares de patas
∙ Etapa II – A – Edificio de Estacionamiento: representando con sus techos cóncavos y semi curvos el impresionante paisaje de la costa y su constante oleaje.
∙ Etapa II – B – Plaza Marinera: representa a toda honra, el espíritu humano, proactivo y emprendedor de los comerciantes lugareños.
∙ Etapa III – A – Edificio de la Fuerza Naval: por su forma típica de disco, simboliza la Anémona de profundidad.
∙ Etapa III – B – Edificio Administrativo: representando una Mantarraya cuya cubierta de membrana arquitectónica representa su despliegue de aletas.
∙ Etapa IV – Plaza Gastronómica: simboliza una familia de Estrellas de Mar, en la cual, la lona de sus techos, representa el cuerpo aplanado y formado por un disco pentagonal de brazos.

Un viaje hacia la oportunidad turística del Puerto de La Libertad…
La información recopilada muestra que en la Etapa I, la Cartera de Estado invirtió 2.36 millones de dólares, construyendo con una envidiable vista al mar, el anfiteatro que permite reunir a 3,500 personas cómodamente sentados; y el Malecón turístico de uso peatonal, en el cual las figuras marinas construidas en su recorrido, reciben y conducen a los lugareños y turistas hacia la vecina Playa Punta Roca, que por cierto, es considerada una de la favoritas a nivel mundial por los amantes del surf.
Por la naturaleza del destino, la Fuerza Naval, tiene también su espacio reservado, y entre los años 2007-2008, se construye la Etapa III – A, y es a partir del Convenio de Cooperación Bilateral, que les ha sido asignado para su operación.
A inicios de 2009, se construye la Etapa IV conocida Plaza Gastronómica, la cual ofrece a los visitantes y turistas en general, la oferta de 16 establecimientos turísticos comerciales, equipados, amueblados, con espacio para 750 personas y una oferta turística complementaria de servicios, sanitarios, estacionamiento para 51 vehículos, con su respectiva caseta de vigilancia.

La Consolidación Turística del Puerto de La Libertad…
Desde finales del año 2009 y en el marco de un verdadero posicionamiento turístico del destino, el Gobierno de la República de El Salvador presidido por el Excelentísimo señor Presidente Don Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena quien, haciéndose acompañar de la sólida visión turística de señor Ministro de Turismo y Presidente de CORSATUR el Licenciado José Napoleón Duarte Durán, toman de la mano el Puerto de La Libertad para formarlo como producto turístico y lo elevan, consolidan y reconocen como una Ancla Turística Nacional, por medio de la puesta en valor turístico a través de:
∙ Edificio Administrativo: por medio de la puesta en valor turístico e impulso al comercio complementario local contribuyendo a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.
∙ Edificio Estacionamiento: como un área complementario al CTPLL con capacidad para 253 vehículos y que fue entregada a la población y turistas en general, a finales del año 2010.
La Puesta en valor Turístico del Puerto de La Libertad ha permitido que finalmente la ciudad esté incluida en la oferta turística nacional y se continuará trabajando hasta consolidar la ejecución del proyecto que CORSATUR ha denominado: “Diseño Arquitectónico Integral de la Plaza Marinera”, el cual será patrimonio turístico de la Ciudad del Puerto de La Libertad.

Ciudades, puertos, comunidades turísticos…
Son historias que nunca tienen fin…

English translation:
The Historical Founding of the Port of the Isthmus ...
When, where and how? ... on 24 February 1824 and by a decree of the Federal Congress of the Central American Republics, the Tepehaua Plantation witnessed the transformation of its land into the "Puerto La Libertad", where it was privileged to have been created by Mother Nature, between Punta Roca Partida (Split Rock Point) and Chilamat.
Time moved on, until February 10, 1831, when with great fanfare, the Puerto de La Libertad was named as one of the ports of the isthmus on the Pacific Ocean, transforming this location, because it opened the region to foreign trade. With an additional Federal Decree on 19 January 1835, the Port of La Libertad became the main registered port in El Salvador, replacing the port of Acajutla.
Finally, on February 19, 1835, La Libertad Port is opened by the Federal Congress of the Republics of Central America.
Curiously ... the record books say that the first steamship, named "Primero", finally arrived at Puerto La Libertad on January 8, 1854. This ship contained 225 tons of cargo and is said to have connected ports from California to Panama.

Puerto de la Libertad: Its people and their homes in the 1860's ...
On December 8, 1860 Puerto de La Libertad had a population of 226 inhabitants who lived in 28 red-tiled houses and many ranches and were unified in customs and beliefs common to the place at that time.
The urban population was 90 inhabitants. There was a two-story building that served as the Customs building, and a road was under construction to San Salvador. This same year a church was also built.
On May 4, 1867, the administration of Francisco Dueñas and the Minister of Government and War, Juan Bonilla, in the company of Colonel Manuel Medrazo Cano and Eduardo Hall, approved that a dock and pier was to be built at La Libertad made of iron. This was the first time that this type of construction would be made on the Salvadoran coast.

Irreversible Communication with the Port of La Libertad ...
The pier of La Libertad Port was finally inaugurated with great pomp and rejoicing on October 7, 1869, with all the pride of its inhabitants. It was 300 meters in length.
On April 27, 1870 Puerto de La Libertad once more made history when it opened in El Salvador the first telegraph line between the capital and the port... Gistory says that General Juan José Canas, the Port Commander, sent the first message to the President of the Republic, Francisco Dueñas by telegraph.
On March 10, 1874, during the administration of Santiago González, it was decreed by the Senate of the Republic that La Libertad Port was given the title of Villa (Town), having at that time 2,000 proud inhabitants.
A curiosity of history is that in 1980, the large shed that was at the end of the pier was dismantled by the Navy as a security measure, as it was threatening to collapse and damage the dock.

A Tourist Wave Bathes the Port of La Libertad ...
In 2004, Salvadoran tourism interests had a dream to realize a project called "Integrated Design and Construction of the Puerto de la Libertad, (CTPLL)" which was immersed in the reality of the people and in local marine symbolism. Through the different stages of construction, the fauna of the Pacific coast of our beautiful country was represented.
Within this idea the improvements to Puerto de la Libertad were made, comprising the following steps:
∙ Stage I - The Amphitheatre: representing the crab characterized by its five pairs of legs
∙ Stage II - A – Parking garage: representing with their semi-concave curved ceilings the stunning scenery the coast and its constant waves.
∙ Stage II - B - Plaza Marinera: representing the human, proactive and entrepreneurial spirit of local merchants.
∙ Stage III - A - Building of the Navy: its typical disk-shape symbolizes a deep sea anemone.
∙ Stage III - B - Administration Building: A stingray is represented with its roof which is covered with an architectural deployment of fins.
∙ Stage IV – Restaurant Plaza: symbolizes a family of starfish, which, with its canvas roofs, represent its arms.

A Trip to the Tourist Opportunity of Puerto de La Libertad ...
In Stage I, the Government invested $2.36 million, built with an enviable view of the sea, in the amphitheater which can comfortably seat 3,500 people; the pedestrian Malecón, in which marine symbolism is prominently displayed and receives and leads locals and tourists to the nearby Playa Punta Roca, which incidentally, is considered a favorite worldwide for surfers.
The Navy also has a reserved space, and between the years 2007-2008, Stage III – A was built as part of a bilateral cooperation agreement.
In early 2009, the Phase IV building known as the Restaurant Plaza, which offers visitors and tourists in general 16 commercial tourist restaurant establishments, with space for 750 people and parking for 51 vehicles and a guardhouse.

Consolidation of Tourism at the Port of La Libertad ...
Since the end of 2009, the Government of El Salvador chaired by President Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena who, together with the solid vision of Minister of Tourism and President of CORSATUR, José Napoleon Duarte Durán, have positioned Puerto de La Libertad as a real tourist destination.
∙ Administration Building: An additional value added to local tourism helping to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.
∙ Parking Garage: A complementary area to accommodate 253 vehicles, delivered to the population and tourists in 2010.
The value of the Port of La Libertad has finally allowed the city to be included in national tourism projects and continues to strengthen the implementation of the project CORSATUR has called "Comprehensive Architectural Design", which will be a part of the touristic heritage of the city of Puerto de La Libertad.

Cities, ports, tourist communities ...
are stories that never end ...

(Industry & Commerce • Man-Made Features • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Post Oak Cemetery

Texas, Bell County, near Holland
The only physical remnant of the Post Oak community, this cemetery began as the burial ground for the family of Isham McMillin, who acquired land in this part of Bell County in 1855. The oldest marked grave, that of McMillin’s daughter Elizabeth, dates from 1857. Several graves, marked by piles of stones or illegible markers, may predate Elizabeth’s burial.
     A large proportion of graves mark the burial sites of infants and children, testament to the harshness of frontier life as Anglo settlers moved into the area. Buried here are members of a number of pioneer families, including the Edwards, Fulton, Sinclair and Ezell families. Isham McMillin, who died in 1861, is buried here, as is another McMillin daughter, Mary (1852-1864).
     In 1873, Sarah McMillin sold two acres of land to the deacons of Mountain Home Baptist Church for the purpose of building a church and schoolhouse. The Mountain Home church came to be called Post Oak Baptist Church , as did the school and the community. The school consolidated with the Center Lake School District in 1916 and later became part of the Holland public school system. The Post Oak Baptist Church continued to meet until a 1952 fire destroyed the church building and the congregation disbanded.
     Burials continued to take place in the graveyard, and the Post Oak Cemetery Association, organized in 1951, cares for the cemetery, which stands as a reminder of early Bell County settlement.

(Churches, Etc. • Education • Cemeteries & Burial Sites) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Site of the Settlement of Williams Ranch

Texas, Mills County, Mullin
Once a prominent frontier town, Williams Ranch grew up around the homestead of cattleman John Williams (1804-1871), who came to this area in 1855. The community flourished during the Civil War (1861-1865) because of trade with Mexico and by 1874 had stores, saloons, a hotel, mill, and blacksmith shop. In 1875 Henry Ford and J.M. Parks bought most of the land in the village and platted a townsite. They proposed the name “Parksford” but “Williams Ranch” prevailed when the post office opened in 1877. The community was a stagestop and a roundup point on the Western Cattle Trail. It claimed the first hotel, newspaper, telegraph, and public school in Brown and Mills counties. In 1881 it was one of the towns considered as a site for the University of Texas. Williams Ranch reached its peak of activity in the early 1880s, with a population of over 250.
     The settlement began to decline when the railroad bypassed it in 1885. An outbreak of mob violence was quelled by the Texas Rangers in 1887. By 1892 the post office and all businesses had closed. Today the site is marked by the natural springs that attracted the original settlers and by Williams Ranch Cemetery, burial place of many pioneers and their descendants.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mullin United Methodist Church

Texas, Mills County, Mullin
Charles Mullins, for whom this town was later named, came here with cattle in 1857. By tradition, a Methodist circuit rider preached at his home. The date of the church’s founding is uncertain. Worship was held in Mullin schoolhouse for years. In 1893, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Martin gave this site and in 1896 a building was constructed under leadership of the Rev. Marion Mills. After a 1919 cyclone wrecked that building the present native stone church was erected in 1920, using much material from original structure.

(Churches, Etc. • Disasters) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


Texas, Coryell County, Evant
The town of Evant traces its history to an earlier settlement in this area. Langford Cove, founded in 1855 by Asa Langford (1820-1907), was located adjacent to and partly within the south boundary of the present town of Evant. A United States post office was authorized in 1876 under the name Cove.
     Evan T. Brooks and his family arrived in the area in 1876. In 1881 Brooks planted a townsite which was filed n Hamilton County records as Brooksville. The same plat appeared in Coryell County records in 1884 as Evant, so named from a combination of Brooks’ first name and middle initial. Streets and blocks were carefully planned, including a town square.
     The Cove post office was transferred to Evant and renamed in 1885. In 1878 a one-room plank schoolhouse was erected on land donated by Asa Langford in 1875. It was replaced in 1888 by a stone structure which, with additions and modifications, served Evant Independent School District until 1976.
     Over the years, businesses were established and churches and community groups were organized. The citizens of Evant voted to incorporate in an election held in December 1976.
Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986

(Education • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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