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Old City Hall

Florida, Monroe County, Key West
The City of Key West acquired this lot in 1871 and built a wood-frame city hall, dedicating it on July 4, 1876, during the nation’s Centennial. That building stood until it burned down in the devastating fire of 1886. The City then constructed this brick edifice between 1890 and 1892. Scott, McDermott & Higgs designed the structure, while Russell & Harvey built it. The ground floor—with wide arches and supporting columns—accommodated market stalls, then fire engines. The upper floor, dominated by the City Commission chambers, also housed City offices. Over the years, the building was altered, including the removal of the bell tower. Monroe County acquired the property in 1965 to house its juvenile court. In 1974, the State of Florida acquired the building, and the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board spearheaded its restoration. The bell tower was restored in 1976 during the Bicentennial. Restoration efforts continued through the 1980’s, leading to the rededication of Old City Hall in 1991. Sweeping granite stairs and an ornate iron balustrade distinguish the building’s entrance, while high ceilings, large windows, and wainscoting grace the historic interior.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mallory Homesite

Florida, Monroe County, Key West
The home of Stephen Russel Mallory (1812-1873) stood near this site from 1839 to 1895 when it became U.S. Navy property. U.S. Senator from Florida from 1851 to 1861 and Chairman of the Naval Affairs Committee after 1853. As Secretary of the Navy in the Confederate States Cabinet (1861-1865) he pioneered the use of submarines and ironclad warships in naval warfare.

A son Stephen R. Mallory, Jr. grew up in and later owned this house. He represented Florida in the United States Senate (1897-1908).

(Politics • War, US Civil • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.

Annexes to Octagon at Philippi

Greece, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region, Kavala Regional Unit, near Krinides
North of the octagonal church, and with the Hellenistic tomb-heroon continuing to function as nucleus, the spaces of prothesis, diakonikon, phiale and baptistery were developed. The later consisted of apodyterium, catechumena, baptistery and chrismarion. As a natural continuation, during the Christian period the heroon was transformed into a place of worship of an unknown martyr or even the Apostle Paul himself.

Further north, on the via Egnatia, the transition to the balneum (baths), first built during the Augustan age (31 BC - 14 AD), when the colony of Philippi was refounded, was provided via a stoa; the baths continued in operation until the 7th century AD. The north wing of the complex contained the porter's lodge, the oiling-room, the cold water reservoir with its tubs, and the latrines. At the center of the complex was a palaistra with an exercise area surrounded on three sides by a stoa. The eastern wing contained changing rooms and the cold bathing room (frigidarium); the southern wing was taken up by the medium-temperature room (tepidarium) and the hot room (caldarium) with its furnace (praefurnium). During the Early Christian era, the bath furnished the baptistery with hot water.

East of the baths, between two side streets, there rose atop an underlying Roman building an imposing secular complex with four wings of apartments surrounding a closed atrium. This complex has been identified as the bishop's residence. The southern and western wings of the edifice had upper stories with luxurious decoration which served as the residential and official reception rooms, probably in the form of a triclinium, while the rooms below had hearths, a fountain, wine-press, and large storage jars. The one-story eastern wing contained storerooms and workshops, and in the northern wing there were places for the personnel to live and work arranged around a small courtyard.

In the Octagon complex, some spaces were found to have continued in life and use immediately after its destruction by earthquake in the early 7th century.

(Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Black Belt

Mississippi, Lee County, near Shannon
Ages ago this area was under an arm of the ocean. Shells and other marine organisms were deposited to form the limestone seen here.
     Exposure of the limestone to all types of weathering gradually changed it into a heavy fertile soil of various colors. The dominant black soil, which before cultivation was prarie grassland, has given the area the name “Black Belt,” or “Black Prarie”.
     The Black Belt extends south beyond Columbus, Mississippi, then trends eastward across nearly all of Alabama. Formerly one of America’s great cotton areas, it is now considered excellent pasture land for livestock.

(Agriculture • Environment) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Chickasaw Council House

Mississippi, Pontotoc County, near Shannon
Westerly on the Natchez Trace stood an Indian village “Pontatock” with its council house which, in the 1820's, became the “Capitol” of the Chickasaw Nation.
     The chiefs and headmen met there to sign treaties or to establish tribal laws and policies. Each summer two or three thousand Indians camped nearby to receive the annual payments for lands they had sold to our Federal Government.
     After the treaty of 1832, the last land was surrendered. The Council House disappeared, but its memory remains here in the names of a Mississippi County and town and went west with the Chickasaws as a county and village in Oklahoma.

(Native Americans • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


Mississippi, Pontotoc County, near Shannon
Named for a Chickasaw word meaning “tree root,” Tockshish was a community of Indians and white men on the Natchez Trace to the northwest. John McIntosh, British agent to the Choctaws, first settled there before 1770.
     In 1801, McIntosh’s was made the second post office between Nashville and Natchez, and a relay station where post riders exchanged weary horses for fresh ones. The post office is gone; only the name recalls the time when hoof-beats marked the arrival of mail bags that had left Nashville five days before and were due in Natchez seven days later.

(Communications • Native Americans • Roads & Vehicles • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Monroe Mission Station

Mississippi, Pontotoc County, near New Houlka
At Monroe Mission Station northwest of here, the Chickasaws first received Christianity and education in 1822. Five years later, 100 acres were under cultivation and 81 pupils were attending the school. Boys learned farming and carpentry, and girls learned spinning and weaving, in addition to classroom work.
     More than 150 persons were baptized in the church, “a diminutive room, not over 16 x 16." In front was “a large arbor covered with brush and seated with puncheons” for summer meetings.
     Monroe and three other stations were the training centers for many who became leaders of the Chickasaw in Oklahoma.

(Churches, Etc. • Education • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Basilica Cistern

Turkey, Istanbul Province, Fatih district, Istanbul
Constructed in the 6th century during the reign of Emperor Justinianus, the most prosperous period of the East Roman Empire, the cistern Basilica is 70m. in width and 140m. in length. The dome, covering an area of 9800 m2, is supported by 336 marble columns arrenged (sic) in 12 rows each consisting of 28 columns placed at a distance of 4m 90cm. from one another. The capitals of these 9 m. high columns are a blend of the Ionic and corinthian styles with a few exceptions which are in the doric style and not ornamented. The cistern is surrounded by a 4 m. thick wall of brick and the mortar used in constructions is very special water-proof. The water reserved in the cistern was transported from the Belgrad forest which is 19 km. from the city.

In 1985 the Metropolitan municipality of Istanbul undertook the restoration of the cistern. On the 9th of September 1987. it was opened for visitors as a vitalized example of universal cultural heritage.

Doǧu Roma İmparatorluǧunun en parlak devri olan 6.yy.da İmparator Justinianus tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Uzunluǧu 140 m. genişliǧi 70m. olan sarnıç toplam 9800 m2 bir alana sahiptir. Her sırada 28 sütun, 12 sıra halinde yerleştiri|miş birbirinden 4m 90cm. aralıklarla dikilmiş toplam 336 adet mermer sütun bulunmakta olup, herbir sütunun yüksekliǧi 9 m.dir. Sütun başlıkları genellikle kornet veya iyon karışımıdır. Sayısı az olmakla birlikte işlenmemiş dorik üslupta sütunlar da bulunmaktadır. Çevre duvarlarının kalınlıǧı 4 m. olup, pişmiş tuǧla ile örülmüş, üzeri su geçirmez özellıǧı olan horasan adı verilen bir harçla sıvanmıştır. Sarnıcın suyu Imparator Justinianus tarafından sehrin 19 km. uzaǧında bulunan Belgrad Ormanlarından getirilmiştir. 1985 yılından bu yana İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi tarafından restore edilen sarnıç, ömrünü tazelemiş bir kültür varlıǧı olarak 9 Eylül 1987 tarihinde yeniden açılmıştır.

(Charity & Public Work) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Hernando de Soto

Mississippi, Pontotoc County, near New Houlka
Somewhere in this vicinity, the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto crossed the animal paths that later became the Natchez Trace. In 1539, he set out on a long arduous journey that took him across the Southeastern United States. He crossed the Tombigbee River, east of here, in December 1540, and spent the ensuing winter among the nearby Chickasaw Indians. After a dispute with the Indians, de Soto and his army moved westward. He is credited with discovering the Mississippi River south of Memphis, Tennessee, in June 1541.

(Colonial Era • Exploration • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Chickasaw Agency

Mississippi, Pontotoc County, near New Houlka
The United States agents to the Chickasaws lived from 1802 to 1825 west of here on the Old Natchez Trace.
     That Americans could peacefully travel the road through Indian lands was due in large measure to the agents. Their efforts to preserve harmony included such thankless tasks as collecting debts, recovering stolen horses, removing trespassers and capturing fugitives.
     Winters were lonely, but spring and summer brought thousands of “Kaintucks” on the long journey from Natchez to their Ohio Valley homes. Many expected the agency to supply medicine or food or just a good nights rest.

(Native Americans • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Basilica Cistern

Turkey, Istanbul Province, Fatih district, Istanbul
The Basilica Cistern was constructed by Eastern Roman Emperor I. Justinianus (527-565) in 542 A.D. to provide water requirement of the Great Palace. Due to the brilliance among the marble columns arising within the water, it was called as Yerebatan Cistern by the public. The name Basilica in foreign sources was said to come from the Ilius Basilica being close to the cistern.

Basilica Cistern is a huge building covering the area of 9.800 m2. Here there are 336 columns each of which is 9 meters high. The columns erected at intervals make 12 lines being 28 at each line.

Two Medusa heads used as a block under two columns at the northwestern edge of the cistern are one of the masterworks of sculpture of Roman Age. Many legends regarding Medusa based on mythology makes this cistern more mysterious. The Cistern was repaired several times as yet. In the era of Ottoman Empire, it was restorated (sic) twice and one of them was made by Architect Kayserill Mehmet Aga in the era of Ahmed III (1723). The second restoration was in the era of Sultan Abduihamid II (1876-1909). In Republican Period, the cistern was cleaned by Istanbul Municipality in 1987 and opened for visit.

Basilica Cistern, besides being a museum, also hosts various national and international events.

Yerebatan Sarnıcı, M.S 542 yılında Doğu Roma İmparatoru l. Justinianus (527-565) tarafından Büyük Saray'in su ihtiyacını karşılamak üzere yaptırılmıştır. Suyun içinden yükselen mermer sütunların arasındaki dolayı halk tarafından Yerebatan Sarayı olarak da anılmaktadır. Yabancı kaynaklarda geçen Basilika (Basilica) isminin ise sarnıcın yakınında bulunan Ilius Basilikası'ndan geldiği rivayet edilir.

Yerebatan Sarnıcı 9.800 m2'lik bir alanı kapsayan dev bir yapıdır. Burada her biri 9 metre yüksekliğinde 336 sütun bulunmaktadır. Belirli aralıklarla dikilen bu sütunlar, her sırada 28 tane olmak üzere 12 sıra meydana getirmektedir.

Sarnıcın kuzeybatı köşesindeki iki sütunun altında kaide olarak kullanılan iki Medusa başı Roma Çağı heykeltıraşlık sanatının şaheser örneklerinden biridir. Medusa'yla ilgili mitolojiye dayandırılan birçok efsane bu sarnıcı daha d onarımlardan geçmiştir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Dönemi'nde iki defa restore edilen sarnıcın ilk onarımı III. Ahmet zamanında (1723) Mimar Kayserili Mehmet Ağa'ya yaptırılmıştır. İkinci onarım ise Sultan ll. Abdülhamit (1876-1909) zamanında olmuştur. Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde de sarnıç 1987'de İstanbul Belediyesi tarafından temizlenmiş ve bir gezi platformu yapılmak suretiyle ziyarete açılmıştır.

Yerebatan Sarnıcı, müze olmanın yanında ulusal ve uluslararası birçok etkinliğe ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.

Arabic: To read the Arabic text, click on the Arabic image to enlarge it.

(Charity & Public Work) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor

New York, Erie County, Buffalo
The Erie Canal was America's most successful and influential public works project. Completed in 1825, the 363-mile-long waterway established the first all-water route for navigation between the Atlantic Ocean and the upper Great Lakes, opened the interior of the continent to settlement and trade, and helped make New York City an international center of commerce.

By creating Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, Congress recognized the Erie Canal's leading role in our nation's history. The Heritage Corridor Commission works through public and private partnerships to promote historic preservation, education, recreation, tourism, and economic revitalization in more than 230 canal communities.

Constructed during the 1820s and '30s, the Erie, Champlain, Oswego, and Cayuga-Seneca canals remain in service as America's olderst continuously operating canal system. The Heritage Corridor includes all of the cities, towns, and villages that line those historic waterways.

The 350-mile-long Canalway Trail parallels the Erie Canal from Buffalo to Albany. Pittsford and other canal towns are great places to explore on foot. Historic communities and buildings line the banks of New York's canals. Celebrations provide opportunities to experience living heritage of the canal system.

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

William Lloyd Garrison

Massachusetts, Essex County, Newburyport
Garrison the Liberator
Presented by William H. Swasey July 4 1893

Side 2
I solicit no man’s praise. I fear no man’s censure. The Liberty of a People. Is the gift of God and Nature

Side 3
Neither God nor the World will judge us by our Professions. But by our practices.

Side 4
I am in earnest- I will not equivocate- I will not excuse- I will not retract a single inch and I will be heard

(Abolition & Underground RR • Arts, Letters, Music • Communications) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Milion Stone

Turkey, Istanbul Province, Fatih district, Istanbul
In Ancient Rome, It used to be the starting point of all the roads reaching to Constantinople and the origin point used for the calculation of the distance of other cities to this city. It has the same function as the Milliarium Aureum monument in Rome, Italy. Similar to the other spectacular monuments erected during the reconstruction and capitalization of New Rome, it is thought to be erected by Emperor Constantine I during the 4th century.

The Milion was constructed to be composed of a door facing four sides and a dome embedded on four columns, rising over the roads intersecting at this point. These monuments representing 'Tetrapylon’ architecture were among the crucial components of Roman culture. There are many sculptures and reliefs from the Roman period on Milion monument and its dome. These aspects add much to the brilliance of the monument.

They are assumed to be damaged and hence perished while the aqueducts of Istanbul were being enlarged during the 16th century.

Doğu Roma İmparatorluğu'nda Konstantinopolis şehrine ulaşan tüm Antik Roma yollarının başlangıç noktası ve dünya üzerindeki diğer şehirlerin bu şehre olan uzaklığının hesaplanmasında kullanılan sıfır noktasıdır. İtalya'da Roma şehrinde bulunan bir diğer anıt olan Milliarium Aureum ile aynı işlevi görmektedir. Yeni Roma'nın yeniden inşası ve başkent kimliğini kazanması esnasında yapılan birçok görkemli anıt gibi İmparator I. Konstantin tarafından 4. yüzyılda yerleştirildiği düşünülmektedir.
Million ilk yapıldığında dört yöne bakan bir kapı ve bu noktada kesişen yolların üzerine yükselen, dört sütun üzerine oturmuş bir kubbeden oluşmaktadır. TetrapyIon mimari ismi ile anılan bu yapılar Roma kültürünün önemli öğelerinden birisidir. Million anıtının ve kubbesinin üzerinde birçok Roma dönemine ait heykel ve kabartma bulunmaktadır. Bu durum anıtın ihtişamını çok daha fazla arttırmaktadır.
16. yüzyılda Istanbul'a su taşıyan, kemerlerin genişletme çalışmaları esnasında yıkılıp, ortadan kaybolmaya başladığı tahmin edilmektedir.

Arabic: To read the Arabic text, click on the Arabic image to enlarge it.

(Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Nymphaeum Traiani

Turkey, Izmir Province, Selçuk (district), near Selçuk
The fountain building was donated by Tiberius Claudius Aristion and his wife between A.D. 102 and 114 in honour of Artemis of Ephesos and Emperor Trajan (A.D. 98-117). The original height of the building reconstructed as an architecture! trial is 9.5 m. A two-storey façade surrounded the fountain on three sides, while the statue base of Trajan, with a globe under his feet, stood over the water outlet in the middle.

Çeşme yapısı Tiberius Claudius Aristion ve eşi tarafından İ.S. 102 ve 114 yılları arasında Efesli Artemis ile İmparator Traianus (İ.S. 98-117) onuruna yaptırılmıştır. Günümüzde deneysel rekonstrüksiyonu yapılmıştır; yapının özgün yüksekliği 9,5 m'dir. İki katlı bir cephe çeşmenin üç tarafını çevirmektedir. Suyun döküldüğü yerin üzerinde, ortada, Traianus'un heykelinin kaidesi yer alır. Heykelin ayaklarının altında yerküresi tasvir edilmiştir.

German: To read the German text, click on the marker image to enlarge it.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


Turkey, Istanbul Province, Fatih district, Istanbul
Constantine I built a forum adorned with sculptures, pillars and marble arches known as the Constantine Forum in Mese which is today called Çemberlitaş. The emperor preserved the entire Strategion, the main square of the ancient Byzantine city. The initial foundation of the Great Palace on the hills extending to the Marmara Sea on the south of the Hagia Sophia Square and the Sultan Ahmed coincides with this era. Mess Street extended right from the Hagia Sophia, which was not yet built then, to the city walls. Mese was a 25-meter wide marble-covered road adorned with marble pillars and cloisters of buildings that flaunted stores on the ground floors and sculptures on the upper floors. The Million stone pillar was located right at the beginning point of this road.

The Million Stone was the beginning point of the Roman main road Via Egnatia extending between the Adriatic and Constantinople as well as the zero point that was used to measure the distance of other cities to this city. The monument, the exit point of the roads reaching various empires and winding through the entire European cities, is a tetra pylon that highly resembles the Milliarium Aureum Stone (Golden Milestone) located with in the Fori Romani (Roman Forurm) built by Augustus, but only grander and looks like a double triumphal arch with a dome supported by four squarely placed circles. Sculptures of Constantine I and Helena with a crucifix in-between are located on top of the building just like Tykhe's sculptures. The building is also adorned with a cavalry sculpture of Trajan, Hadrianus and Theodosius II as well as the Quadriga of Helios.

I. Constantinus, Mese üzerinde. bugünkü Çemberlitaş'ın olduǧu yerde Constantinus Forumu olarak bilinen, heykeller, sütunlar, mermer kemerlerle süslenmiş forum inşa ettirdi. İmparator, antik Byzantion kentinin ana meydanı Strategion'u aynen korudu. Ayasofya Meydanı ve Sultanahmet'in güneyinde. Marmara Denizi`ne inen yamaçlar üzerinde Büyük Saray'ın kuruluşu bu döneme rastlar. Mese caddesi. henüz inşa edilmemiş olan Ayasofya'nın önünden. başlıyor. surlara kadar uzanıyordu. Mese alt katlarında dükkanlar, üst katlarında heykeller olan mermer sütunlu ve revaklı, 25 metre genişliğinde mermer döşeli bir yoldu. Bu yolun başlangıç noktasında, Milion taşı vardı.

Milion; Adriyatik`ten başlayıp Konstantimopolis'e gelen Roma anayolu Via Egnatia için başlangıc noktası ve dünya üzerindeki diğer şehirlerin bu şehre olan uzaklığının hesaplanmasında kullanılan sıfır noktasıydı. Avrupa kentlerini baştan aşaǧı dolaşan çeşitli imparatorluklara ait yolların çıkış noktas; olan bu anıl, Augustus tarafından inşa edilen Roma Forum'unda (Fori Romanı) bulunan Altın Mil Taşı'na (Milliarium Aureum) çok benzeyen; ama ondan daha heybetli; kare şeklinde yerleştirilmiş dört tane çemberin desteklediği bir kubbeden oluşmuş çılı bir Zafer Takı'ni andıran tetrapylondur. Yapının en üstünde tykhe'nin heykelleri gibim aralarında haç ile Constantinus'un ye Helena'nın heykelleri bulunur. Yapıyı ayrıca Trajan'ın Hadrianus'un ve II. Teodosios'un süvari heykelleri ile Helios'un dört atlı arabası (Quadrigae) süsler.

(Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Women’s Heritage Trail

New Jersey, Bergen County, Ho-Ho-Kus

The Hermitage was home to Theodosia Bartow Prevost during the Revolutionary War, when she was married to British officer James Marcus Prevost. During the war, Theodosia was left to run the farm in the middle of a heavily contested area, and through her resourcefulness was able to protect her home when many others in the area were confiscated. Prevost used contacts in Trenton to open up her home to American officers, while still maintaining a good relationship with British troops. After the death of her husband, James Marcus, in 1781, Prevost married future Vice President Aaron Burr, whom she met while advocating for the protection of her home. The present Gothic Revival design of The Hermitage, which is owned by the State of New Jersey, dates from an extensive renovation undertaken in 1847.

“Mrs. Prevost presents her best respects to his Excellency Gen’l Washington. Requests the Honour of His Company as she flatters herself the accommodations will be more Commodious than those procured in the Neighborhood. Mrs. Prevost will be particularly happy to make her House Agreeable to His Excellency, and family – Hermitage Friday Morning, eleven o’clock”
The invitation to Washington … - Dorothy V. Smith, “Mrs. Prevost requests the Honour of His Company,” Manuscripts, XI, No. 3, Fall 1959, 27-31.

Theodosia Bartow Prevost’s life is represented at The Hermitage as that of a well respected, independent woman managing hearth and home. Because of her integral role defining Women and Domestic Life, Theodosia is on the New Jersey Women’s Heritage Trail.

The New Jersey Women’s Heritage Trail highlights a collection of historic sites located around the state that represent the significant contributions women made to the history of our state. The Heritage Trail brings to life the vital role of women in New Jersey’s past and present.

“It was a knowledge of your mind which first inspired me with respect for that of your sex.” - Aaron Burr to Theodosia Prevost Burr, February 15, 1793. Matthew Davis, Memoirs of Aaron Burr (1836), Volume I.

(Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Bynum Mounds

Mississippi, Chickasaw County, near Houston

(Marker #1)
Prehistoric Trade

Raw materials and articles from distant areas reached the Indians of the Bynum site by trade along trails that were the forerunners of the Natchez Trace.
  • Spool-shaped objects made of copper filled with lead were found with Bynum burials.
  • Flint for tools and weapons came from as far away at the region of Ohio.
  • Green stone for polished celts (axes) was obtained from the Alabama-Tennessee Piedmont.
  • Marine shells came from the Gulf Coast.
Take the tour path to inspect the mounds and the house sites.

(Marker #2)
A Living from the Land

The Indians hunted, fished and gathered wild berries, nuts and fruit. They supplemented these activities by farming.

Deer was the most common game animal. The Indians used the bones for tools and the skins for clothing.

Cooking pots were made of clay, mixed with sand or grit. The surfaces were decorated with the impressions of fabrics or cords.

You may see specimens from the Bynum Mounds in the Parkway Visitor Center near Tupelo.

(Native Americans • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 12 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Old Trace

Mississippi, Chickasaw County, near Woodland
Preserved here is a portion of a nearly 200-year old road – the Old Natchez Trace. Maintaining this 500-mile long wilderness road in the early 1800's was a difficult if not hopeless task.
     As you look down the sunken trench note the large trees growing on the edge of the 10-foot wide strip we clear today. These trees are mute testimony to the endless struggle between man to alter and change, and nature to reclaim, restore, and heal.

(Environment • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Line Creek

Mississippi, Webster County, near Mantee
Unlike modern nations, Indian tribes seldom recognized clear, exact boundaries to their lands. However, the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians came to accept as a dividing line the stream that flowed in this valley. It remained the boundary until both tribes moved to Oklahoma in the 1830's. Although the stream’s course has been changed somewhat by a modern drainage canal, it is still called Line Creek.
     Near here, Noah Wall and his Choctaw wife had a stand where food and shelter were provided for travelers on the Natchez Trace.

(Industry & Commerce • Native Americans • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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