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Chapel of St. Basil

Turkey, Nevşehir Province, Nevşehir (district), near Göreme
This church is situated at the entrance of the Göreme Open Air Museum. Graves are to be found in the columned narthex area. The nave is transversally rectangular and barrel vaulted, and has three apses situated on the left, long side of the rectangular nave. The church dates back to the 11th century.

Scenes: on the main apse is a portrait of Jesus, and next to this is a portrait of Mary and baby Jesus. On the north wall is a picture of St. Theodore, while St. George and the dragon are featured on the south wall. The paintings of St. Demetrius and two female saints can also be seen.

Göreme açık hava müzesi’nin girişindedir. Sütunlarla ayrılan nartekste mezar çukurları bulunmaktadır. Nef enine besik tonozlu, dikdörtgen planı ve üç apsislidir. Dikdörtgen nefin sol uzun yüzünde biri büyük, ikisiüçük, üç apsis bulunmaktadır. Kilise 11. yüzyıla tarihlenmektedir.

Sahneleri: ana apsiste İsa portresi, ön yüzünde meryem ve çocuk İsa, kuzey duvarında at üzerinde aziz Theodora, güney duvarında ise yine at üzerinde ejderle savaşan aziz George tasviri, aziz Demetrius ve 2 azize tasviri bulunmaktadır.

French: To read the French text, click on the marker image to enlarge it.
German: To read the German text, click on the marker image to enlarge it.

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Craighead Family

Pennsylvania, Cumberland County, Carlisle
The 1886 house and surroundings were an inspiration to this family. Brothers Frank and Eugene became prominent entomologists. Frank’s nationally known conservationist sons, John and Frank, Jr., saved Yellowstone’s grizzlies, popularized falconry, inspired the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, and contributed to National Geographic. Newbery-winning daughter Jean Craighead George wrote nature books Julie of the Wolves and My Side of the Mountain

(Environment • Politics • Science & Medicine) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Tokalı (Buckle) Church

Turkey, Nevşehir Province, Nevşehir (district), near Göreme
This is the oldest known rock-cut church in the region, and consists of four sections: the Old Church with one nave; the New Church; the Lower Church under the old church; and the Parecclesion to the north of the New Church.
The single-nave, barrel-vaulted Old Church, built in the 10th century, today acts as the entrance to the New Church. Its Apse collapsed when the New Church was added to the east wing. Frescoes are to be found on the vault and at the top of the walls. The life of Jesus is told on separate panels on the vault, running from left to right.

Scenes: Portraits of the saints are in the center of the vault. On the top panel of the right wing are Annunciation, Visitation, proof of the virgin, journey to Bethlehem, and nativity. On the top panel of the left wing are, adoration of the Magi, massacre of the innocents, flight into Egypt, presentation of Jesus in the temple and killing of Zacharias. On the middle panel of the right wing are, pursuit of Elizabeth, calling of St. John the Baptist, preaching of John, John meeting Jesus, baptism and marriage at Cana. On the middle panel of the left wing are, miracle of the wine, miracle of the loaves and fishes, calling of the Apostles, healing of the blind man and raising of Lazarus. On the lower panel of the right wing are entry into Jerusalem, Last Supper, betrayal and Jesus before Pilate. On the left lower panel of the left wing are Way of the Cross, crucifixion, descent from the cross, entombment, women at the tomb, anastasis and ascension. Beneath this panel are portraits of the saints, and transfiguration is painted over the entrance. The New Church is transversally rectangular with as simple barrel vault. On the east wall there are four columns joined by arches, behind which there is a raised corridor in front of the main apse and two side apses. On this barrel vaulted nave is the story of Jesus in chronological order in mainly bright red and blue colours. The dark blue color serves to distinguish the Tokalı Church from the other churches. On the transversal nave are scenes from the life of St. Basil. portraits of some saints and pictures of the miracles of Jesus. The church is dated back to last decade of the 10th century and the first decade of the 11th century.

Scenes: On the north wing of the vault are annunciation, visitation, proof of the virgin, nativity and adoration of the Magi. On the north wall of the vault are Joseph’s dream and journey to Bethlehem and below these in the niches are portraits of 8 saints. At the very bottom are calling of St. John the Baptist, John meeting Jesus, baptism, presentation of Jesus in the temple, calling of Matthew, calling of the Apostles and marriage at Cana; on the west wing flight into Egypt, temptation of Christ and Christ in the temple when twelve years old, on the south wing of the vault are the first diacons, pentecost and blessing and mission of the Apostles; on the south wall of the vault are some unidentified angels, below them, in the niches, are portraits of saints; at the very bottom are healing of the nobleman’s son, raising the daughter of Jairus, healing the paralytic, raising of Lazarus, entry into Jerusalem and Last Supper. On the west wing is washing of the disciples’ feet, on the main apse conch are crucifixion, descent from the cross, women at the tomb, anastasis, on the front wall of the apse are the first diacons and Jesus and the Samaritan woman; inside the niche is Mother Mary and baby Jesus; on the apse to the north is prophetic vision and angels.

Bölgenin bilinen en eski kaya kilisesi olup 4 mekandan oluşur. Tek nefli eski kilise, yeni kilise, yeni kilise, eski kilise’nin altındaki kilse, yeni kilise’nin kuzeyindeki yan şapel. 10. yüzyılın başlarına tarihelenen eski kilise, bugün yeni kilise’nin giriş mekanı şeklinde ise de orijinalde tek nefli, beşik tonozlu bir yapıdır. Doǧusuna yeni kilise’nin eklenmesi sırasında apsisi tamamen yıkınıştır. Sahneler tonoz yüzeyine ve duvarların üst bölümüne yerleştirilmiştir. İsa’nın hayatını kapsayan siklus tonozda panellere ayrılmış olup, sahneler saǧ kanatta başlayıp sol kanata doǧru birbirini takip etmektedir.

Sahneleri: Tonozun ortasında aziz tasvirleri, saǧ kanadında üst panelde; müjde ziyaret, bakireliǧin ispatı, beytüllahım’e yolculuk, doǧun, sol kanattaki üst panelde; üç müneccimin tapinmasi, masum çocukların katliamı, mısır’a kaçış, İsa’nın mabete takimi, zekeriya’nın öldürülmesı; saǧ kanattaki orta panelde; Elizabeth’nın takip edilmesi, vaftizci yahya’nın görevlendirilmesi, vaftizci yahya’nın kehaneti, İsa’nın vaftızcı yahya ile buluşması, vaftiz, hana düǧünü; sol kanattaki orta panelde şarap mucizesi, ekmeklerin ve balıkların çoǧalltılması, havarilerın görevlendirilmesi, kör adamın iyileştirilmesi, Lazarus’un diriltilmesi; saǧ kanattaki alt panelde; kudüs’e giriş , son akşam yemeǧi, ihanet, İsa platus önünde, sol kanattaki alt panelde; İsa golgota yolunda, İsa çarmıhta, İsa’nın çarmıhtan indirilmesi, İsa’nın gömülmesi, kadınlar boş mezar başında, İsa’nın cehenneme inişi, İsa’nın göǧe çıkışı, Bu panelin altında aziz tasvirleri; girişin üstünde ise başkalaşım sahnesi yer almaktadır.

Yeni tokalı enlemesine dikdörtgen planı, basit beşik tonozludur. Doǧu duvarında kemerlerle birbirine baǧlı dört sütun, sütunların arkasında yükseltilmiş bir koridor, koridordan sonra ana apsis ile iki yan apsis yer alır. Beşik tonozlu nefinde İsa’nın siklusu kronolojik sıraya göre daha çok kırmızı ve mavi renkler kullanılarak işlenmıştır. Lapis mavisi, tokalı kilise’yi diǧer kiliselerden ayıran en önemli özelliǧidir. enlemesine nefte, aziz Basil’ın hayatı, çeşitli azizlerin tasviri ve çoǧunluk İsa’nın mucizelerine ait sahneler yeralır. Kilise 10. yüzyılın sonuma ve 11. yüzyılın başına tarihlenmektedir.

Sahneleri: tonozun kuzey kanadına müjde, ziyaret, bakireliǧin ispatı, doǧum ve üç müneccimin tapınması, tonozun kuzey duvarında yusuf’un birinci rüyası, beytullahim’e yoculuk, altında nişler ićinde sekiz aziz tasviri, en altta ise vaftizci yahya’nın çaǧırılması, İsa’nın vaftizci yahya ile buluşması, vaftiz, İsa’nın mabete takdimi, matta’nın görevlendirilmesi, havarilerin görevlendirilmesi, kana düǧünü; batı kanadında mısır’a kaçış, İsa’nın denenmesi, İsa 12 yaşındayken mabette, tonozun merkezinde İsa’nın göǧe yükselişi ve havarilerin tanrı yolunda görevlendirilmesi; tonozun güney kanadında ilk diakonlar, ve havarilerin tanrı yolunda görevlendirilmesi; tonozun güney duvarında tanımlanamayan melekler, altında nişler içinde aziz tasviri, en altta ise zengin adamın oǧlunun iyileştirilmesi, jairus’un kızının iyileştirilmesi, felçlinin iyileştirilmesi, Lazarus’un diriltilmesi, kudüs’e giriş ve son yemek; batı kanadında ayakların yıkanmasi; ann apsiste İsa çarmıhta, İsa’nın çarmıhtan indirilmesi, kadınlar boş mezar başında, İsa’nin cehenneme inişi; ana apsisin ön cephesinde ilk diakonlar, İsa ve samarralı kadın, niş içinde meryem ve çocuk İsa; kuzey apsiste ise peygamberlerin görünümü ve melekler.

French: To read the French text, click on the marker image to enlarge it.
German: To read the German text, click on the marker image to enlarge it.

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Flexibility, Firepower, and Mobility

Pennsylvania, Cumberland County, Carlisle
The M109 series SP howitzer provided artillery support on the battlefield from Vietnam to the Global War on Terror. Introduced in 1963, the M109 retained the same chassis and turret as its predecessor, the M108 105mm SP howitzer, but boasted a 155mm cannon with muzzle break and fume extractor, and rear stabilization spades.

Beginning in 1973, twenty years of successive improvements yielded six variants (M109A1-M109A6 “Paladin”), which incorporated a longer cannon tube, improved shielding, nuclear, biological and chemical protection, computer and communication systems, and a redesigned turret.

(Inscription under the image in the upper left)
A Cambodian child waves farewell to members of Battery B, 1st Battalion, 27thArtillery as they pass towards the South Vietnam border in their M109, June 30, 1970. (Inscription under the image in the lower right) An M109A3 with M992 Ammunition Support Vehicle and M332 Ammunition Trailer (right) from 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division firing in support of Operation Quick Strike during Desert Strom, February 23, 1991.

(War, 1st Iraq & Desert Storm • War, Afghanistan) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Sergeant First Class Randall D. Shughart

Pennsylvania, Cumberland County, Carlisle
Raised on a farm in Newville, Pennsylvania, Randall D. Shughart joined the Army after graduating from high school in 1976 and became a member of the elite Special Forces. During the Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia, SFC Shugart and his team leader Gary I. Gordon were providing sniper fire from the lead helicopter to support ground assault operations and covering two helicopter crash sites. When it became apparent that ground forces were not able to secure the area, both Soldiers volunteered to be inserted in to the second crash site, knowing that the crew lay wounded and that a large number of the enemy were approaching. The sniper team fought their way to the crash site, pulled the crew from the crashed helicopter and set up a security perimeter, putting themselves at the most vulnerable spots. Armed only with their sniper rifles and pistols they held off the enemy until their ammunition was depleted. Their action was directly responsible for saving the life of the pilot. For his selfless service that day SFC Shughart was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Across the nation SFC Shughart’s service and sacrifice has been honored in different ways. His hometown named the Post Office after him and started a scholarship fund in his honor. The Army named a barracks and urban warfare training site after him and the Navy christened a ship the USNS Randall D. Shughart.

(Inscription under the photo in the upper left)
They were the kind of professionals who could pick off a rabbit from a roller coaster with a BB gun. To me they were Batman and Robin, only much better, and they just walked up to my aircraft like they were out for a stroll in the park. From the Company of Heroes.

(Heroes) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


New York, Rockland County, Airmont
In 1924 author, economist, philosopher, Ralph Borsodi and family designed and began construction of this homestead, utilizing native field stone, their own and semi-skilled labor. By 1934 they completed "Dogwoods" and an enclave of five buildings. Here they developed the "School for Living" described in "Flight from the City," Borsodi's acclaimed book that inspired his Bayard Lane, Van Houten Fields developments in Rockland and other back-to-the-land communities nationally.

(Arts, Letters, Music • Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


New York, Oswego County, Central Square

Central Square School
on June 8, 1944, 40 schools
in the Oneida Lake area
combined to form the current
Central Square School District.

(Education) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Indian River Lakes

New York, Jefferson County, Alexandria

Important Habitat Refuge
This region provides an important breeding refuge for many declining species of birds because it contains a variety of habitats, few humans, and little development. Species such as the Golden-winged Warbler, Red-shouldered Hawk and Whip-poor-will are still common nesters here thanks to public and private land conservation efforts.

Opsrey. Even in the depths of the DDT era, this region retained a small healthy Osprey population due to the lack of local agricultural pestcide runoff.

Whip-Poor-Will. This hard to see but easily heard night-calling denizen may be found by driving back roads after dark, looking for their red eye shine in your headlights.

Red-Shouldered Hawk. This beautiful woodland Buteo returns to the lakes in late March and graces the area with its shrill call. A lucky birder may find a pair as they soar overhead in courtship, as the species remains fairly common here.

Golden-Winged Warbler. The beautiful Golden-winged Warbler finds refuge here. It is being displaced elsewhere by its close relative the Blue-winged Warbler.

Grand Lakes Reserve
The Indian River Lakes Conservancy, a donor supported land trust, is providing a place for birds in perpetuity. With acreage on both Butterfield Lake and Grass Lake and miles of trails, this reserve offers visiting birders a sampling of the great breeding bird diversity of the region.

Indian River Wildlife Management Area
This diverse are contains many of the breeding birds of the region, including the rarer species. When combined with a visit to Grand Lake Reserve, birders could see most of these species.

Sparsely populated areas near the Seaway Trail are refuges for wildlife species.

Seaway Trail, Inc. Corner Ray & West Main St., Sackets Harbor, NY 13685. America's Byways. This project was funded in part by the National Highway Administration and administered by the New York State Scenic Byways Program of the New York State Department of Transportation and Seaway Trail, Inc.

(Environment) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

New Castle

Virginia, Craig County, New Castle
This place became the county seat when Craig County was formed in 1851. The courthouse was built in 1851 and remodeled in 1935. General Averell passed through New Castle in his raid of December, 1863, and General Hunter in June, 1864. The town was incorporated in 1890.

(Political Subdivisions) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Great Eastern Divide

Virginia, Craig County, near New Castle
This point marks a spot along the geographical feature known as the Great Eastern Divide. From here water of Sinking Creek flows southwest into the New River. The New River, probably the oldest stream in eastern North America, becomes the Kanawha before joining the Ohio, the Mississippi, and eventually the Gulf of Mexico. From this spot water of Meadow Creek flows northeast to New Castle where it joins Craigs Creek, which in turn flows into the James River and ultimately into the Atlantic Ocean.

(Natural Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The 'Stadium' / Lo 'Stadio'

Italy, Lazio, Rome Province, Rome

The 'Stadium'
The so-called Stadium, another important area of the Flavian Palace, was in fact a huge rectangular garden area with a hemicycle at one end.

The Garden was enclosed by a portico and its perimeter was marked out by a track running around it, with smaller paths and flower beds branching out from this track. The perimeter track (gestatio) was intended as a promenade route for people on foot, in a litter or even a carriage, something attested by the writers Martial (1.12.82) and Juvenal (8.178). The magnificent sculptures found here (now in the Museo Palatino) show that the area was decked out as an art gallery. On one of the long sides was an exendra with a view of the entire garden. At each end there was a semicircular fountain veneered in marble, with an open space at the centre decorated with multiple statues. The presence of channels that carried water to the centre of the 'Stadium' and the absence of any kind of pavement provide additional proof that this was a garden area.

Lo 'Stadio'
Il c.d. Stadio, altro importante settore del Palazzo Flavio, era in realtà un vasto giardino rettangolare, con un emiciclo a una delle estremità.

Solcato da un largo viale ad anello, da cui si diramavano vialetti minori e aiuole, il giardino era circondato da un portico. Il viale ad anello (gestatio) era destinato al passeggio a piedi, in lettiga, o anche in carrozza, secondo un uso attestato da Marziale (I,12,82) e da Giovenale (VIII,178). Le splendide sculture recuperate (conservate nel Museo Palatino) attestano che l'area era arredata come una vera e propria galleria d'arte. Su uno dei lati lunghi è visibile una grande esedra, da cui si godeva una completa vista del giardino. Alle estremità c'erano due fontane semicircolari, rivestite di marmi, al centro invece uno spazio libero, decorato da numerose statue. La presenza di canalizzazioni che portavano l'acqua fino al centro dello "Stadio" e la mancanza di qualsiasi pavimento, sono un'ulteriore conferma che ci troviamo in una zona di giardino.

(Forts, Castles • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Road Juncture

New York, Saint Lawrence County, Hopkinton

Road Juncture
Port Kent to Hopkinton
Turnpike merged with
old military turnpike
near here

(Roads & Vehicles • War of 1812) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Johannes J. Blauvelt Homestead

New York, Rockland County, Blauvelt
Jacob A. Blauvelt and family, the first of 7 generations of Blauvelts to live on this farm, occupied a log structure nearby early in the 18th century. Jacob's son, Johannes J. Blauvelt, built the sandstone south unit of this home, circa 1755. The large central section was added after the Revolution, and the frame north wing ca. 1862. This 396 acre farm extended west to the Hackensack River.

(Agriculture • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.

Johannes Isaac Blauvelt House

New York, Rockland County, Blauvelt
This Dutch farmhouse on the northwest corner of the Tappan Patent contains late 18th and early 19th century construction features. Johannes (1743-1828) was a charter member of the Greenbush Church. His son David (Dauvum) began the county's first tobacco business here. Abraham M. (Gunsmith) Blauvelt repaired watches and guns here and rented boats on Hackensack River in rear. Blauvelts occupied premises for 135 years.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Johannes Perry House

New York, Rockland County, Pearl River
This house stands on the north half of lot No. 42 of the Kakiat Patent bought from William Bayard by Peter Perry c. 1773. The earliest section of the existing structure was probably built by his son Johannes c. 1774. It has been enlarged and considerably altered throughout the years. In 1832 the farm was devised to Johannes' daughter Mary, wife of Abraham Horn[,] and remained in the Horn family until 1908.

(Colonial Era • Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Aksaray - Sultanhanı Caravanserai (1229)

Turkey, Aksaray Province, Aksaray (district), Sultanhani
Situated on Konya - Aksaray highway, Sultanhanı is the largest and best caravanserai of the seljuks. It was built by Alaattin Keykubat 1. in 1229. After a fire, it was restored and extended in 1278 by the governor Siracettin El Hasan during the reign of Giyasettin Keyhüsrev. Af(t)er this extension it became the larges caravanserai of Turkey.

It consists of two sections: Open and covered ones. The open courtyard was used in summer and the covered one was used in winter. The caravanserai is entered from a magnificent portal (gate) in the east. Besides this beautifully ornamented portal, there is another simple one in order to enter the covered section of the caravanserai. The front wall in the east with marble portal and watch-towers on the corners is fift(y) meters wide and presents you a monumental view. As small mosque built as kiosk mescit on four arches is in the middle of the open courtyard. According to the inscription on the portal the architect of the caravanserai is Muhammed Bin Havlan El Dimaski. Around the open courtyard are rooms used by the caravans; kitchen, dinin(g) rooms, wc and ba(th)rooms, living and sleeping rooms.

Konya Aksaray yolu üzerinde bulunan Sultanhanı, selçuklu hanlarının en büyüǧü ve en güzelidir. Han, 1229 yılında 1. Alaattin Keykubat yaptırılmıştır. Bir yangından sonra 1278’de Gıyasettin Keyhüsrev zamanında Vale Sıracettin El Hasan tarafından onarılarak genişletilmiştir. Bu genişletmeden sonra Türkiye’nin en büyük hanı olmuştur.

Han, kışlık ve yazlık olmak üzere açık ve kapalı iki kısından oluşmaktadır. Hana doǧu cephesindeki muhteşem bir portaldan (kapı) girilir. Çok zengin süslemeli bu diş portaldan başka, kapalı kısmın girişinde oldukça sade ikinci bur portal bulunmaktadır. İleri taşan mermer portal ve köşedeki kulelerle birikte elli metre genişlikteki goǧu cephesindeki çok abidevi bir görünüştedir. Mimari süsleme aćısından oldukça zengin bir yapıdır. Açık avlunun ostaşında bulunan. Mescit köşk mescidi tarzında avlunun ortasında oturmuştur. Ana girişteki kitabeye göre hanın mimar Muhammed Bin Havlan El Dimaski’dir. Açık avlunun Etrafında kervanlar tarafından mutfak, yemakhane, ve hamam oturma ve yatakodası olarak kullanılan bölümler yer almaktadır.

(Industry & Commerce • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mevlâna Museum

Turkey, Konya, Konya (district), Konya
Following the passing of Mevlâna on December 17th, 1273, Alâmeddin Kayer and Gürcü Hatun the wife of Süleyman Pervade the Seljuk Emir made Bedridden from Tebriz build a tomb one year later.

Three sections of the tomb that rise on four elephant-feet are open; top of its is cuspidate and covered with chinas. Inside of the tomb was covered with hand-drawn ornaments on the gypsums, The tomb was restored during the periods of Karamanids and Ottomans. The tiles on the external surface of the dome were removed in 1964 and changed with Kütahya chinas.

The Mevlâna Dergâh developed around the tomb of Hz. Mevlána. Over the years the Ottoman Sultans made many additions: Yavuz Sultan Selim built a Şadirvan (porched, ritual cleansing fountain); Selim II built a Semâhane (Whirling Room) and a praying room; Murad III built the Cells for Dervishes and the Kitchen.

There are also water constructions such as Selsebil and Şeb-i Arûs Pool besides the tombs of Hürrem Pasha, Sinan Pasha, Hasan Pasha, Mehmed Bey and Fatma Hastun in its courtyard.

In the Mevlâna Museum which was opened as the “Âsâr-ı Atîka Müzesi” (The Museum for Ancient Arts) in 1926, tho works from Mevlevi ethnography, manuscripts and tablets are exhibited.

Hz. Melâna’nın 17 Aralık 1273’te vefatı üzerine, bir yıl sonra Selçuklu Sarayı’ndan Alâmedin Kayser ile Selçuklu Emîri Süleman Pervane’nin karısı Gürcü Hatun tarafından Tebrizli Bedreddin’e bir türbe yaptırılmıştır.

Dört fil ayaǧı üzerinde yükselen tübenin üç, tarafı açık, üst örtüsü dıştan dilimli olup çinilerle kaplıdır. Türbe içten alçı üzerine kalem işi süslemelerle bezenmiştir. Türbe ilk yapımından sonra Karamanoǧulları ve Osmanlılar döneminde onarımlar görmüştür. Tübenin kubbe dış yüzeyinde bulunan çiniler 1964 yılında söktürülmuş, gövde Kütahya çinileri ile yeniden kaplattırılmıştır.

Hz. Mevlâna’nın türbesi etrafında gelişen Mevlâna Dergâhi’na Osmanlı Padişahlarından Yavuz Sultan Selim Sadırvan, II. Selim Semahane ve Mescid, III. Murad Derviş Hücreleri ile Matbahı yaptırmıştır. Selebil, Şeb-i Arûs Havuzu gibi su yapıları ile avlusunda Hürrem Paşa, Sinan Paşa, Hasan Paşa, Mehmed Bey ve Fatma Hatun türbeleri bulumaktadır.
1926 yılıbda “Âsâr-ı Atîka Müzesi” (Eski Eserler Müzesi) olark hizmete açılan Mevlâna Müzesi’nde, Mevlevî etnografyasına ait eserler, el yazması kitaplar ile levhalar sergilenmektedir.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Tomb of Ahmed Eflâkî Dede

Turkey, Konya, Konya (district), Konya
Date: 13th Century
Built by: Unknown
Architect: Unknown

Ahmed Eflâkî Dede narrated detailed and important information about Hz. Mevlâna and Mevleviyeh with his book called “Menâkibü’l-Ârifîn” (Anecdotes of Intellectuals). Eflâkî Dede joined the entire travels of Ulu Ârif Çelebi who was grandchild of Mevlâna and exerted himself to expand Mevleviyeh all over the Anatolia.

In the porch planned tomb remains only pieces of two walls with chinas in brickworks and in turquoise blue and purple color. The gravestone of Eflâkî Dede in the tomb was dated 1360.

In the excavations carried out by the Directory of Museum, the basements on both sides of the southern facade of the tomb were revealed.

When the traces on the western surrounding walls of the tomb are examined, it can be said to have connections with Mevlevî Lodge.

Tarihi: 13. yüzyıl
Yaptıra: Bilinmiyor Mimarı: Bilinmiyor Ahmed Eflâkî Dede, Hz.Mevlâna ve Mevlevîlik hakkında etraflı ve önemli bilgileri yazmış olduǧu “Menâkıbü’l-Ârifin” (Âriflerin Menkıbeleri) isimli eseriyle günümüze aktarmıştır. Eflâkî Dede, Mevlevîliǧin Anadolu’da yayılması için faaliyetler gösteren Hz.Mevlâna’nın torunu Ulu Ârif Çelebi’nin bütün seyahatlerine katılmıştır.

Eyvan plantı türbeden günümüze tuǧla örgülü turkuaz mavisi ve mor renkli çinilerin bulunduǧu iki duvar parçası kalmıştır. Tübede bulunan Eflâkî Dede’nin mezar taşı 1360 tarihlidir.

Müze Müdürlüǧü tarafından yapılan kazı çalışmasında türbenin güneye bakan cephesinin iki yanındaki temelleri açıǧa çıkartılmıştır.

Tübenin, batı yönündeki ihata duvarındaki izlerden hareketle Mevâna Dergâhı ile baǧlantılı olduǧu söylenebilir.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


Virginia, Botetourt County, Fincastle
Miller’s place here was selected as the county seat of Botetourt in 1770. In 1772 the town of Fincastle was established on land donated by Israel Christian and named for Lord Fincastle, eldest son of Governor Lord Dunmore. It was incorporated in 1828. In 1845 it has a population of 700. Present courthouse was erected about 1850.

(Political Subdivisions • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Palatine "Stadium" / "Stadio" Palatino

Italy, Lazio, Rome Province, Rome

The Palatine "Stadium"
This area provides a view from above of the “Stadium”, an important sector of the Flavian Palace which is never given this name in the ancient sources. In fact it was a garden, more specifically a hippodromus, the word with which it was described by late authors. Hippodromes, originally areas where horses were exercised, came to be, in Rome, elongated rectangular spaces with paths and flower-beds. Deriving from the Greek gymnasiums, these were luxurious garden areas present in important villas. The Palatine “Stadium” (160 x 48 m) had a rounded south end and was surrounded by a portico supported by marble-clad engaged columns. The central part consisted of a broad curved avenue for strolling on foot, on a litter or even in a carriage, a custom described by Martial and Juvenal, authors of the Domitianic period (AD 81-96). On the eastern side is a large exedra from which to enjoy views over the garden below, luxuriously decorated with sculptures and two semi-circular fountains at either end.

"Stadio" Palatino
Si ha qui una visione dall’alto dello “Stadio”, importante settore del Palazzo flavio, che non appare mai designato con questo termine dalle fonti antiche; in realtà si tratta di un’area di giardino, precisamente un hippodromus, termine con il quale è infatti nominato dagli autori tardi. Gli ippondromi, da iniziali luoghi per esercitazioni di cavalla, passorono a Roma a designare spazi rettangolari allungati, solcati da viali ed aiuole. Derivati dai ginnasi greci, erano lussuose aree di giardino presenti nelle ville di un certo livello. Lo “Stadio” palatino (m. 160 x 48), con il lato sud arrontondato, era circondato da un portico sostenuto da semicolonne rivestite di marmo. La parte centrale era costituita da un grande viale ad anello, destinato al passeggio a piedi, in lettiga, o anche in carrozza, secondo un uso attestato da Marziale e Giovenale, autori dell’età di Domiziano (81-96 d.C.). Sul lato est è inserita una grande esedra, da cui si godeva la vista del sottostante giardino, sontuosamente decorato da sculture e rinfrescato da due fontane semicicolari, poste alle estremità.

(Forts, Castles • Horticulture & Forestry • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

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