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Journal Record Building South Wall

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

The south wall of the Journal Record Building directly faced the blast's impact and was heavily damaged by the April 19, 1995 bombing. Parts of the south wall were separated from the floor beams, and the arched section of the building's roof was lifted up by the blast and fell to the ground.

The jagged brick edge across the top of the wall shows where the roof broke away from the building.

Structural repairs were made and a new roof installed. However, the south face with its broken bricks and mangled fire escape was left very much as it looked following the bombing. The black brick window openings and dark glass windows help leave the sense of void created by the blown-out glass following the bombing. The fresh angular mortar joints you see were repaired during the building's rehabilitation, but provide a look at locations where portions of the wall were lifted up by the explosion, then settled back without collapsing.

The Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust chose not to repaint this historic south wall. Rather, structural repairs were made and a protective sealant applied to help retain the look of the wall following the 1995 bombing.

(Disasters • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Team 5 Requiem

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

Team 5
We Search For the truth
We Seek Justice.
The Courts Require it.
The Victims Cry for it.
And God Demands it!

A Rescue Worker originally painted the message on this wall during search and recovery efforts in April 1995. The building on which it is painted was a functioning office building when the bomb exploded across the street. Ceilings collapsed, walls fell in and glass shards flew throughout the building. Hundreds of people were injured, many critically. Fortunately, no one was killed inside this building.

(Disasters • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Survivor Tree

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

This American Elm was surrounded by a parking lot filled with burning vehicles on April 19, 1995. It survived the impact of the explosion and became known as the Survivor Tree, an important symbol of resilience to the family members of those killed, survivors, rescue workers and people around the country. Photographs of this tree date back to the 1920's when it stood in the backyard of a famly's home.

(Disasters • Horticulture & Forestry) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Oklahoma City Bombing Children's Memorial

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

Nineteen Little Boys And Girls Killed In The OKC Bombing

April 19, 1995

"He took them up in his arms...."
Mark 10:16 (KJV)

Painting: Alice Murray

(Disasters) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Oklahoma City Bombing Responders' Memorial

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

April 19, 1995
The grateful citizens of Oklahoma hereby express their gratitude to all Protective and Rescue Personnel, who amid death, danger, darkness and depression, rendered superb service above and beyond the call of duty. They were firemen, lawmen, nurses, doctors, paramedics, ministers, counselors, and many, amny more.

"You were wearied with the length of your way, but you did not say, "It is hopeless'; you found new life for your strength, and so you were not faint."
Isaiah 57:10 (RSV)

(Charity & Public Work • Disasters) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Site of the First Theatre

Virginia, James City County, Williamsburg
William Levingston, merchant of New Kent County, built the first theatre in English America on this site c. 1716. For three decades companies of actors entertained audiences at the "Play House" with latest successes from the London Stage. In 1745 the City of Williamsburg converted the frame structure into a municipal hall. The building was razed c. 1770 after construction of the Courthouse on Market Square.

(Arts, Letters, Music • Colonial Era • Entertainment) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Georgia / North Carolina

North Carolina, Cherokee County, Murphy
(North Side):
The colony of Georgia was charted in 1732, named for King George II of England, and settled in 1733. It was one of the 13 original states. (South Side):

North Carolina
Colonized, 1585 – 87, by first English settlers in America; permanently settled c. 1650; first to vote readiness for independence, Apr. 12, 1776.

(Political Subdivisions) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


North Carolina, Graham County, Robbinsville
Cherokee warrior, fought for U.S. in Creek War, 1814. Granted citizenship and land by N.C., 1847. Grave is one mile S.W.

(Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Central High School

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

Erected in 1910 as Oklahoma High School, at that time the city's only high school, this Gothic style building was a source of great civic pride. Many future leaders were educated here.

(Education • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

St. Paul's Cathedral

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

This building, first opened on Easter Sunday 1904, became the Episcopal Cathedral in 1908. The congregation dates from 1893.

(Churches, Etc. • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Jonathan in Chaska

Minnesota, Carver County, Chaska
This silo marks the site of the Christian Bender farm, homesteaded in 1854. George Bender, grandson of Christian, sold the farm to Henry McKnight in 1963. This was the first farm to become part of Jonathan.
                Dedicated October 13, 2001

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Train Fantôme

France, Midi-Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse
Le juillet 1944, alors que la France se libérait, 580 internés du camp du Vernet d’Ariège et de la prision Saint-Michel – la plupart résistants originaires de toute l’Europe – partirent de Toulouse, sous escorte nazie, dans le tristement célèbre Train Fantôme. Entassés dans des wagons à bestiaux, regroupés à Bordeaux le 9 août 1944 avec 155 autres résistants du Sud-Ouest, ces déportés arrivèrent au camp de concentration de Dachau le 28 août 1944, au terme de deux mois de transport inhumain. Les 65 femmes de ce convoi furent alors conduites à Ravenbrück. Plusiers d’entre eux moururent pendant le trajet. De nombreux résistants réussirent à s’évader – souvent avec l’aide de cheminots – pour reprendre le combat. Des 540 déportés parvenus à Dachau, seule la moitié survécut. N’oublions jamais ces victimes de la barbarie nazie. Honorons ces héros de la Résistance. L:Amicale des Déportés Résistants du Train Fantôme Sorgues (Vaucluse).

[Translation by Google Translates (with modifcation):
Ghost Train
On July 1944, while France was being liberated, 580 internees Camp Vernet d'Ariège and prison Saint-Michel - the most resistors from all over Europe - departed Toulouse under escort Nazi; the notorious Ghost Train.

Crammed into cattle cars, the group departed Bordeaux August 9, 1944 with 155 other resistant from the Southwest. These deportees arrived at the Dachau concentration camp August 28, 1944, after two months of inhuman transport. The 65 women in this convoy were then conducted to Ravenbrück.

Several of them died during the trip. Many resistance fighters managed to escape - often with the help of railway workers - to resume the fight. The 540 deportees arrived at Dachau, only half survived. Never forget the victims of the Nazi barbarity. Honor the heroes of the Resistance. L: Association of Deportees Resistant Ghost Train Sorgue (Vaucluse).]

(War, World II) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Un Convoi de Déportation de Résistants

France, Midi-Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse
Le 30 juillet 1944 Un convoi de déportation de résistants Et d’au moins 166 juifs, dont 26 enfants, a quitté la caserne cafarelli à Toulouse a destination des camps de concentration De Buchenwald pour les hommes, De Ravensbrück pour les femmes et les enfants, Souvenez-vous des victimes De la barbarie nazie CRIF Midi-Pyrenees l’Association des Fils et Filles des Déportés Juifs de France. 30 juillet 2004

[Translation by Google Translates (with modifcations):
July 30, 1944
A deportation convoy of resistors and at least 166 Jews, including 26 children, left the Cafarelli barracks in Toulouse, destination Buchenwald concentration camps for men [and] Ravensbrück for women and children. Remember the victims of Nazi barbarism, CRIF Midi-Pyrenees Association of the Sons and Daughters of Deported Jews of France. July 30, 2004]

(War, World II) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Le bourg Saint-Salvi

France, Midi-Pyrénées, Tarn, Albi
Le bourg Saint-Salvi Ce bourg s’est développé aux XIe – Xlle siècles autour de la collégiale Saint-Salvi, à partir d’un anneau de rues commerçantes et artisanales, appelé en occitan «roda de la plassa» , la roue de la place. Le nom occitan de certaines rues évoque ces anciennes activités pelissaria (rues de fourreurs), cotelaria (rue de la courtellerie), sabatar (rue des savetiers), galinaria (rue des vendeurs de poules), payrolaria (rue des chaudronniers). L’ensemble de maisons qui entourent la collégiale, « la Canourgue» , était constituré par les demeures des chanoines de Saint-Salvi. Les rues principales, qui s’étirent vers le Vigan et vers la place Lapérouse, sont quant à elles bordées d’hôtel particuliers des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. La rue Mariès qui unit la place de la cathédrale aux lices et à la place du Vigan, marque l’influence haussmaniennne du XIXe siecle; c’est aujourd’hui l’une des principales artères commerçantes d’Albi. À proximité de l’ancienne roue de la place, un autre lieu de flânerie est à découvir avec la halle du marché, édifiée en 1905 à partir de plans d’André Michelin, où les étals colorés invitent à la découverte des spécialités locales.

Bourg Saint-Salvi
This suburb developed in the 11th-12th centuries around Saint-Salvi collegiate church, expanding outwards from a ring of shop-filled streets called “roda de la plassa” in Occitan, or “the wheel of the square”.

The Occitan names for certain streets recall the activities for which they were known: Pelissara (furriers), Cotelaria (cutlery), Sabataria (cobblers), Galinaria (chicken traders), Payrolaria (boilermakers).

The set of housed that surround the church, called the “Canourgue”, was once the residence of the Saint-Salvia cannons. The main streets, which lead to Vigan and Place Lapérouse, are lined with private mansions built during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Rue Marrès, which connects Place de la cathédrale to the Lices (bailey walls), and the Place due Vigan, is an example of 19th century Haussmanisation (rationalised town planning); today it is one of Albi’s main commercial thoroughfares.

Near the “wheel of the square” lies another nice place for a stroll, the covered market. Built in 1905 from plans by Andre Michelin, the coloured stalls provide an inviting atmosphere for visitors to discover local specialties.
[Spanish translation not included.]

(Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ici Naquit Beziers

France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
Durant plusieurs siècles, les alluvions abandonnées par l’Orb dans ses débordements avaient pu laire oublier que site commandait le gué qu’utiliserent les population migrantes et les troupes en armes carthaginoises ou romaines. En 1856, les archéologues de XIX eme siècle mettant a profit l’ouverture du chantier du pont-canal, pouvaient alors estimer la datation du premier habitat organisé qui allait donner naissance à Beziers, il y a 27 siècles. Ils venaient de mettre à jour le squelette d’un guerrier tenant dans chaque main une hache de type “celuque” (VII eme siècle avant J.C.). Mais ce premier habitat ne pourra fixer définitivement sur cette berge la future agglomération biterroise. Car il faudra se préoccuper de mettre les populations à l’abri du fleuve, au régime torrentiel et des tribus ou des troupes armées franchissant le cours d’eau. Alors, portant plus haut leur regard, vers la colline toute proche, les nouveaux habitants edifieront un “oppidum”, face à celui d’Ensérune. Et parce que sa situation privilégiée lui permettra de surveiller le passage du fleuve, tout en observant la basse plaine de l’Orb, l’oppidum cehibérien “Baeterra” affirmera sa prédominance sur ce vaste territoire qui s’étend du fleuve Aude jusqu’à l’Etang de Thau, et des Monts du Caroux jusqu’à la Mediterranée. Les premieres habitations du gué feront alors fonction d’ d’ avant-port de Béziers, mettant la ville en communication fluviale avec la Méditerranée. Orb, Canal du Midi et Méditerranée se sont ici rencontrés : voilà une trilogie qui a valeur de symbole pour les Biterrois

[Translated by Google Translat with liberal modifications:
Here Beziers Was Born Seven centuries before Christ Beziers discovers his birth. For several centuries, the alluvium deposited by the Orb [River] [covered] the site that commanded ford site utilized by the migrant population and the armed troops of Carthaginian and Roman. In 1856, XIXth century archaeologists, profiting from the start of construction of the canal bridge, could then estimate the dating of the first organized settlement that would give birth to Beziers, 27 centuries ago. They [uncovered] the skeleton of a warrior holding in each hand a "celuque" type ax (VIIth century BC). But this first habitat will permanently fix this bank's future urban Béziers. Because it will worry about putting people away from the river, and the torrential tribes armed troops crossing the river. So, with their highest regard towards the nearby hill, new people will build a "oppidum" facing the Ensérune. And because its location allows them to monitor the passage of the river, while observing the low plain of the Orb, the oppidum cehibérien "Baeterra" assert its dominance over this vast territory extending from the river Aude up Etang de Thau, and Caroux Mountains to the Mediterranean. The earliest houses ford will then function as a Béziers outport, putting the city in communication with the Mediterranean. Orb, Canal du Midi and the Mediterranean have met here: this is a trilogy that has symbolic value for Biterrois

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Raleigh Tavern

Virginia, Williamsburg
During Public Times Virginia leaders often met at the Raleigh, Williamsburg's most popular inn. Here in 1769 a group of burgesses adopted the proposal of George Mason for a boycott of British goods. Five years later Burgesses again met in the Apollo Room to issue the call for the first Continental Congress. This reconstructed building is appointed with English and American furnishings in accordance with inventories of early innkeepers.

(Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Secretary's Office

Virginia, Williamsburg
Officials decided to build the Secretary's Office in which to protect the public papers of the Virginia colony after a fire destroyed the first Capitol in 1747. Completed in 1748, the building was designed to be fireproof. This building also contained an office for the Secretary of the colony.

(Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Charlton's Coffeehouse

Virginia, Williamsburg
Constructed as a store and residence in 1750, the building was converted into a coffeehouse and operated by Richard Charlton in the mid 1760s. In October 1765, the coffeehouse was the scene of resistance to the British Parliament's Stamp Act.

(Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Pasteur & Galt Apothecary Shop

Virginia, Williamsburg
William Pasteur and John Minson Galt traveled to England to study medicine before returning to Williamsburg to practice. They were partners in this apothecary shop from 1775 to 1778. In addition to dispensing drugs, they provided surgical, midwifery and general medical services.

(Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Hôtel Reynes

France, Midi-Pyrénées, Tarn, Albi
Fleuron de la Renaissance albigeoise, cet hôtel fut contruit pour Roger Reynès, marchand enrichi par le commerce du pastel au début XVIe siecle. À l’intérieur. Une belle cout associe briques et pierres; elle est bordée d’un côté, d’une galerie-loggia à l’italienne et de l’autre, par les bustes de François 1er et de sa seconde épouse, Eléonore d’Autriche. La tour qui surplombe la cour appartenait à l’orignine à l’hôspital Saint-Jacques, situé à l’emplacement de l’actuelle Préfecture.

Hôtel Reynès (16th century)
A true gem of the Renaissance, this private mansion was built for Roger Reynès, a merchant prominent in the pastel trade at the beginning of the 16th century. The beautiful interior courtyard, which combines brick and stonework, is bordered on one side by an Italian-inspired galley loggia, and on the other by busts of Francis I and his second wife, Elenanor of Hapsburg.

The tower which stands over the court originally belonged to Saint-Jacques hospital, today the Prefecture. [Spanish translation not included]

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

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